Chapter 23

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Flashback - Rapunzel's Tower

Killian admires his daughter as she painted the ocean, "That painting is gorgeous, Alice. The calm before the storm," Killian said.

"I don't think I like it," Alice said.

"How is that possible? It might be your best one yet. It's... I mean, it's beautiful," Killian said.

"It just... It makes me want to see the real ocean. I'm done painting for a while," Alice said and walked to the entrance of the tower then she touched the forcefield that was sealing her in.

"I'm sorry you're trapped in here, Starfish. I know it's not fair, but you know what? I might have something that'll make you smile. I was saving it for your birthday, but today is better," Killian said as he gave her a case full of sand from various oceans.

"Is it sand?" Alice asked him.

"Well, I figured if I couldn't take you to the sea, then I'd bring a piece of the sea to you," Killian said.

"Thank you, Papa. I love you," Alice said.

"I love you, too," Killian said and the two hugged.

Suddenly, clutched his throat in pain and Alice got worried, "Papa! What's wrong? Papa! What's happening to you?! Papa!" Alice said worriedly.

Gothel appeared, "I am," She said then magically shoved Killian out of the window.

Alice ran to the window, "No!" Alice yelled.

Suddenly, Alice woke up in her bed screaming from the nightmare.

Killian walked over with a lantern and he set it down on her bedside, "Hey, don't worry, it was just a bad dream," Killian said.

"I saw the witch again, she's coming for me," Alice said.

"It was just a nightmare," Killian said.

"It's not! It's real! You have to believe me," Alice said.

Killian pulled her into a hug, "You do see the world in a special way, Alice. If you say the dream means something, then I believe you," Killian said and pulled away from the hug, he got up then grabbed his sword and coat.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked.

"Making sure the dream doesn't come true. I'm getting you out of this tower, once and for all," Killian said.

"But how? You've tried everything," Alice said.

"Almost everything. The truth is there is one more thing I can try. It's a dark path that I always feared to take but I don't have any other choice," He gave her a white knight chess piece, "Keep this close by, to remember me," Killian said to her.

"I'm scared, Papa. What if something happens to you?" Alice said.

"What happens to me? Come on, I'll be fine and I swear I will return as soon as I can," Killian said.

"Then take this to remember me," Alice said as she gave him a rook chess piece.

"My little rook. You are the bravest I know, look, soon all of this will be over and all the chess pieces will be together again," Killian said then kissed her on her head before leaving the tower.

End of Flashback

At the station, Rogers was going over the photos of Sage and Hilda when Tilly came into his shared office with Weaver and placed the chessboard on his desk.

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