Chapter 3

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Jacinda and Lucy were heading to the island on the bay that Jacinda told Henry about at the bar earlier that day.

Lucy sat down on a bench, "I'm not going!" Lucy said.

Jacinda went to her, "Lucy, no. Hey," Jacinda's voice broke, "We can't stay," Jacinda said.

"No," Lucy said.

"Listen, baby, there's something you don't know," Jacinda sat beside her, "Grandma wants you to live with her, permanently," Jacinda said.

"What? Why?" Lucy asked.

"It doesn't matter. See that island over there?" Jacinda pointed to the island, Lucy looked at it then turned back to her mom, "That's where our story begins, Luce. That's where we can have a fresh start, together," Jacinda said.

"But what about Henry and breaking the curse," Lucy asked.

"You have such a big and beautiful imagination and I know why you want to believe in fairytales because life is hard. You got to believe in something, but just this once, can you believe in me?" Jacinda said.

"I believe, mom, I believe in you," Lucy said as they both hug each other.

Rogers pulled up near them with Ivy in the car and they stepped out, "Lucy, come here. Now. Your grandmother is worried sick," Ivy said and Lucy walked over to Ivy.

"Just not worried enough to show up," Jacinda stood up, "How'd you find us?" Jacinda asked.

"Mr Mills told us about your little island fantasy," Ivy said.

"He was only trying to help," Rogers said.

"That's not true. He... He wouldn't do that," Lucy said.

"The truth hurts more than fiction. Speaking of which," Ivy said and she removed Henry's storybook from Lucy's backpack.

"No!" Lucy said.

Ivy handed the book to Rogers, "Officer Rogers, can you please put this in evidence or get rid of it or destroy it or I don't care, it has caused enough trouble," Ivy said then walked to the car with Lucy.

Rogers thumbed through the book and he hesitated.

Ivy stepped out of the car and looked at him, "Everything okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah, everything's okay," Rogers said and closed the book before walking to the car.

"Yeah, everything's okay," Rogers said and closed the book before walking to the car

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Later, Winter and Henry were stood on a street and the car was returned.

Jacinda walked up to them, "They found it, hm?" Jacinda asked.

"Yeah, cops found it abandoned on the side of the road. Nothing was taken, no damage, doesn't make any sense," Henry said.

"Yeah, well, life doesn't make any sense sometimes, but you got what you wanted, what you both wanted, so that's good, for the both of you. I hope it was worth it," Jacinda said.

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