Chapter 25

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It was late at night as Tilly ran down the street to the stone troll, she looked up at it, "Oh friend I'm in quite a jam. They think I killed that poor woman, but I didn't, I couldn't. You know I don't have that kind of malice in me," Tilly said.

At that moment, Rogers pulled up in his car and he stepped out of the car, "Tilly! Get in the car," Rogers said.

"No... Nuh-unh, you didn't believe me before and now someone is dead," Tilly said.

"I know, I should've listened to you, I'm sorry," Rogers said.

"But you believe me now?" Tilly asked.

"I do," Rogers said.

"I didn't kill anyone really, I didn't, I swear," Tilly said.

"Tilly, you can trust me. I just want to help you, just please, get in the bloody car," Rogers said as the sounds of sirens came from the distance and the two got in the car and he drove off.

Back at Henry's and Winter's apartment, Henry made the three of them hot chocolate and placed them on the table.

"Hot cocoa," Ivy said.

"Mhm," Henry said.

"Ana used to make it for me when I was feeling blue... I really messed up. I just hope there's still time to fix things with her," Ivy said.

"Well, you forgave your mother," Henry said.

"Mother had to die for that to happen and I would rather not," Ivy said as she finished off Winter's nails, "There, all done," Winter looked at them and smiled as a thank you.

"There are other ways to tell people how you feel about them. Like, um, I don't know, apologising?" Henry said.

"I take it back, I'd rather die," Ivy said and she sipped she cocoa.

"I know it's tough but nothing beats a genuine, I'm sorry," Henry said.

"Yeah, you're right," Ivy sets her cup down, "I-I need to go find Ana," Ivy said.

"Alright, I would offer to come with you, but I can't leave Winter in this state," Henry said.

"I wouldn't want you to, you should be with someone you're meant to be with, like Jacinda," Ivy said.

"Yeah, well, I guess the only thing I'm meant for is a life of wallowing. It's cool though, good for the writing," Henry said.

"Ugh," Winter groaned.

"Okay, stop that. Cynicism is not your style. I know that things seem pretty grim right now, but they're gonna get better and when they do, I hope you'll be able to forgive me because if I'm going to start apologising Henry, you're at the top of my life and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything," Ivy said as she stood up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Ivy, what are you... What are you talking about? Why are you sorry?" Henry asked.

"I just wish I had met you before I became me. Maybe I would have made better choices and things could've been different. For all of us," She exhaled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Goodbye, Henry, Winter," Ivy said and left.

Winter wrapped herself up in the blanket and Henry walked to her, "Why are girls... Strange?" Henry asked her and Winter chuckled slightly, "There we go," He crouched down, "Getting through to you," He said.

There was a knock at the door and Henry opened it, "Rogers?" Henry said.

"Henry, is it just you and Winter?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah, yeah, why? W-What's going on?" Henry asked.

Rogers looked to the side, "Hey, come here," Tilly walked up and stood next to him, Rogers looked at Henry, "The police are after us, we need a place to hide for a minute," Rogers said.

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