Chapter 10

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"You think your bones have a story for me, Dr Facilier?" Eira asked him.

"I don't think, Snow, I know they do," The bones returned to the bowl and Dr Faciliertossed them back on the table, "You are the sole heir to your kingdom, your mother and father loved you so much as does your kingdom. Your mother was poisoned when you were a child which led your father to go searching the realm for a bride. The Evil Queen soon became your stepmother, she despised you, the way the kingdom loved you and not her... The fairest of them all, the pure-hearted Snow White," Dr Facilier said.

Eira looked at him, "Yes, that's true, her magic mirror said I was the fairest of them all," Eira said with a roll of her eyes.

"And magic mirrors do not lie," The bones returned to the bowl before he tossed them on the ground again, "Recently you met a young man, and you've developed a bond with him. A strong bond that has led you both to finding each other continuously, it's quite the story. There's no romance in this tale, but neither of you are interested in the other," He looked at her, "In your future, you find your love... A new love... Charming in personality, not in name," Dr Facilier said.

"I see..." Eira said.

"He will be looking for something to fill a hole in his heart, but it will not be what he plans, it's you who'll fill the heart," Dr Facilier touched a bone, "When you have found love, you will feel strong enough to return to your kingdom and take back your crown," Dr Facilier said.

"Yeah, I doubt that," Eira said.

"It is your birthright, Snow White," Dr Facilier said.

"My name is Eira Blanc, I am no longer Snow White," Eira sighed, "And, how would you like my payment?" Eira said.

"The payment I need is you, back as who you belong," Dr Facilier looked at her, "I am a patient man, my dear, I can wait," Dr Facilier said.

End of Flashback

Later, Rogers walked into the interrogation room, the perp had woken up and Rogers showed him Eloise's journal at the rune page.

"You recognise this?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah, ain't it the Seattle Mariners logo?" The perp looked at it, "You hit like a girl," He said with a black eye.

Rogers exhaled heavily and sat down on the seat across from him, "That notebook is evidence from a missing-persons case, a girl that disappeared 10 years ago... Eloise Gardener, sound familiar?" Rogers asked.

"I was serving a sentence down in Stafford Creek then," The perp said.

"Is that so?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah, it's where I got the tattoo, cellmate told me it wards off evil," The perp said.

"You're a terrible liar," Rogers said.

"Bad things happen inside. You take whatever protection you can get, check my record," Roger grabbed the journal and started to leave, "H-Hang on, I help you and you're leaving me in the box?" The perp asked.

Rogers looked at him, "Mr Coachman from the club didn't want to press charges. Said it's more hassle than it's worth. You'll be out in 10," Rogers said and began walking away.

"Hey, slugger? That's one powerful run. If your lost girl was drawin' that. I'd hate to meet whatever evil she was facing down," The perp told him.

Rogers let the room and called Winter, "Hi, Winter it's Detective Rogers," Rogers said.

"Detective, what can I do you for now?" Winter asked.

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