Chapter 24

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Winter left Roni's and she walked down the street, she saw Tilly heading towards the station.

"Tilly!" Winter called out and Tilly looked at her as Winter ran over to her.

"Hi Winter," Tilly said.

"What's wrong? You don't look your usual happy self," Winter said.

 "Something's wrong and they need to know, but I'm afraid they'll get mad at me and not listen," Tilly said.

"We'll go in together, okay?" Winter said.

Tilly nodded and the two of them walked into the station, and Winter followed Tilly into Rogers and Weaver's office. Tilly started pacing around the office as she kept looking at Gothel on the monitor, Winter sat in Rogers chair.

"Something's bad, something's broken, something wrong. It's all gonna go wrong. I'm not mad, I'm not mad," Tilly said.

"Tilly, it'll all be alright, everything will be okay I promise," Winter said.

Weaver walked into the office, "Tilly, Tilly, you can't be back here," He looked at Winter, "Nor can you," Weaver said.

"Oh, hey, there, Weaver. Um, I'm glad to see your face," Tilly chuckled nervously, "I came by earlier, but Rogers, he didn't want to play the game with me. I tried to warn him, I did, but there are bad things in the air," Tilly said.

"Tilly, Tilly, calm down. Everything's fine," Winter said.

"No, everything's not fine," Tilly looked at her and pointed to Gothel on the live feed, "He brought a monster in here and I can see her for what she really is!" Tilly said.

"You know what? You're right," Tilly and Winter looked at Weaver, "She is a monster, I believe you," Weaver said.

"Oh, you do?" Tilly asked.

"Well, I know you better than most and you see things others don't and that's what makes you special," Weaver said.

"And I believe you too," Tilly and Weaver looked at Winter, "I feel like there's something wrong with that woman," Winter said.

Rogers walked in with a painting and put it on a desk, "Uh, what's... What's that?" Tilly asked.

"It's a painting of mine, I thought I told you to go home," Rogers looked at Winter, "What are you doing here?" Rogers asked.

"Hello to you too, Detective," Winter leaned back in the chair, "I'm just relaxing in a comfy chair and supporting dear Tilly," Winter said.

"No, no, no, you can't show this to the monster. She'll use it and then she'll try and hurt you and I don't want you to be hurt!" Tilly said.

"Get out of my way or I'll have to have you escorted out," Roger said as he sighed.

Winter walked to them, "Rogers, please, she's trying to tell you something and you're not listening," Winter said.

Tilly looked over at Weaver, "You told me you believed me," Tilly said.

"I do and I promise... Nothing bad's gonna happen, but right now you have to go home, you as well Winter," Weaver said.

"I'm not going until Tilly does, Detective," Winter said.

"You both want me to leave?" Tilly asked the detectives.

"I'm sorry, but this is more important," Rogers said as he walked out.

"Rogers," Winter said and stepped out of the room, he walked into the interrogation room, she scoffed and shook her head, "Unbelievable," She went back into the room and saw Tilly looking at Weaver, "What is it, Tilly?" Winter asked.

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