Chapter 16

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Rogers and Winter walked down the street together, Winter sipped her coffee and sighed.

"So, I'm guessing you and Henry are always together?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah, always, but he needs to get out of the Heights for a while," Winter said.

"Yeah? Why didn't you go with them?" Rogers asked.

"Because Henry's playlists can be too much at times and I think, he needs to be around someone who's new to him," Winter sipped her coffee, "It will be different, I won't wake up to Henry typing on his laptop" She looked at him, "Why did you ask that?" She asked.

"Well, it's just... Different seeing you two separate from each other," Rogers said.

"Well, we are separate people Detective," Winter looked at the station and saw Victoria leaving the building, "What the..." She said.

Victoria looked at him and put her sunglasses on, "Lovely morning, Detective, Winter," Victoria said.

"How are you out of jail?" Rogers asked.

"In a word, determination. I didn't get to be who I am sitting around, waiting for others to improve my odds," Victoria said.

"And I didn't as for a TED Talk, I asked how you managed to sidestep your charges," Rogers said.

Weaver stepped out of the station, "I'm afraid that honour goes to you. You failed to get a warrant," Weaver said.

"I had an exigent circumstance, there was an immediate danger," Rogers said.

"Judge didn't see it that way," Weaver said.

"Don't you mean you made certain he didn't? You dress it up any way you want. I know you're getting something out of this arrangement. Come clean with it now or I'll go dig it up myself," Rogers said.

"I'd advise against that, Detective, or has ignoring me not done enough damage already?" Weaver said and got into his car with Victoria.

"Rogers..." Winters said.

"Go, I'll call you later" Rogers looked at her.

Winter nodded, "Okay," She smiled at him softly, "Hey, do you know if Tilly likes anything other than marmalade?" Winter asked.

"Er... I don't think the girl knows herself, why?" Rogers said.

"Oh, nothing, I'll catch ya later," Winter said and walked away from him.

"Oh, nothing, I'll catch ya later," Winter said and walked away from him

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Later, Victoria goes to Jacinda's apartment and Sabine opened the door.

"Uh, Jacinda," Sabine looked at Jacinda, "There's a fugitive at the door for you," Sabine said.

"What I am is a free woman in need of a manicure," Victoria walked into the apartment, "New evidence is coming to light that will show just who the villain is in all this," Victoria said.

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