1 - Confessions

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'Maya', a soft voice called close by. Maya Aida slowly opens her eyes, and looks at the blue-eyed beauty looking at her.
'What time is it?', She groggily asks. Normally, Maya would be energetic at all times of the day. But today? Today she had no energy whatsoever. She had stayed up constantly for the past 48 hours, having to battle Distains, (evil still exists because of Bel and the others) complete her homework and plan for Mackenzie's birthday, adding to that is Regina's enthusiasm about learning more about her world.
'It's 7 o'clock, your mom wanted me to wake you up..'
'But I'm too tired...' Maya moaned into her pillow. Regina giggles softly at the sight. Adorable.
'There's pancakeeesss~!'
Regina intentionally elongated the word, and said it in a playful voice.
'Okay I'm up!' Maya was suddenly beaming. Regina starts giggling and gets up to do her hair, she was dressed in a pink short sleeve shirt with a red heart on it with a pink skirt. Admittedly she stole these clothes out of Maya's wardrobe but it's not like she had a massive collection.
Maya and Regina made eye contact and they both feel their heart skip a beat.
Maya goes to do her hair to break the tension, but she was clearly blushing.
'I'll see you downstairs Maya!' Regina smiled at Maya, feeling her heart flutter again. Maya- Glitter Heart.
She was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen, she had noticed the way Maya would look around her, how she would blush whenever they made eye contact. Regina so desperately wanted to tell her how much she meant to her, but couldn't work up the courage.
'Alright I'll be right with you!' Maya's voice interrupted her thoughts. Maya could be loud. I don't think she noticed how loud she actually was. Regina didn't mind - in fact, she found it to be one of Maya's defining features. I mean, it wasn't exactly hard to miss.

Regina had almost finished her pancakes by the time Maya came down. Her hair was wet, meaning she'd had a shower. Regina had decided to wait for Maya for around 10 minutes before she decided to eat without her. Regina could smell Maya from where she was sat, it was a smell she found comfort in. That lavender and vanilla fragrance scent was yet another defining feature of Maya.
'Oh you started without me~' Maya said looking slightly disappointed. Whenever she gave that look to Regina it felt like being stabbed.
'I got hungryyyyy~'
Maya was about to take a bite out of her pancake when-
Regina took a huge bite out of Maya's pancake, she didn't even know she was doing it.
Maya could only stare in disbelief. Regina really just took a bite out of her pancakes.
'I'm sorry I didn't mean it..' Said Regina, realising what she did and immediately retreating back.
Maya suddenly started giggling.
'It's alright Regina you're my best friend!~ I can tell you're still hungry~'
Regina stared at her confused, then slowly shuffled right up to her, deeply blushing.
Maya had noticed this but not commented on it, as to not embarrass her. Maya felt the same way for Regina, she had even told Rachel about it, knowing she can tell her absolutely anything. She was scared about telling the other girls, although they are all her best friends.

'Hey Regina, I were thinking, wanna go to the cinema later?'
'Sure! Just us two or with the girls?'
'Up to you. I'm happy with whatever you choose! You could even pick the movie'
'I'm thinking.. just us two.. maybe a scary movie?'
'I mean, I'm not a huge fan of horror... but okay!'
'I do want to meet with the girls first though, I need to give my present to Clara, she can keep them safe until the day before Mackenzie's birthday'
'I've found out you lose things easily from experience' Giggled Regina, they could gossip for hours just like this but they decide to properly get dressed, say goodbye to Maya's parents and meet up at the usual meeting place for the Glitter Force.

'Hey Natalie!' Shouted Maya from afar.
'Huh? Oh hey Maya! How are you doing?'
'I'm alright, you?'
'Maya you look knackered... have you been sleeping?' Nat was definitely concerned. Maya always looked so tidy and punctual, but today she looked fairly messy, and she had visible bags under her eyes.
'I'm a little tired, but I'm fine. I'm going to go to the movies with Regina.' Maya blushes at the thought of Regina, and Natalie notices.
'Oh I see.. got a cruuuussshh~?'
'I-I.. Wha- What? N-No of c-course n-not...
'I'm standing right here you know..' says Regina, clearly flustered. She knew that Maya actually liked her. Regina was planning on admitting her love for Maya at the cinema, maybe even after.

Half an hour of chatting later and the other girls finally arrive.
'What time do you call this?' Says Natalie in a semi-joking tone.
'We're sorry.. we decided to get coffee first.. we got you some though?' Rachel admits, each of the girls were intimidated by Natalie, probably because she was Glitter Ace, the strongest of the Glitter Force, or because she could be bossy. It's ironic too, as she's also the youngest of the group, with Mackenzie being the oldest.
'I forgive you. Better have made my coffee sweet'
'Hi girls, sorry I'm late'. Clara casually walks to their little spot under a tree on top of the hill. Regina would tease her every now and again, sometimes accidentally annoying her, and Clara was not easy to annoy, but with some discipline from Maya, Regina learned not to tease as much, and had grown very close with Clara. However nobody would ever be as close to her as the woman she loves. Maya Aida.

'Heya Clara, would you mind holding something for me?'
'Of course, Sebastian could hold it'
'I mean- hide it. It's Mackenzie's birthday present, and I don't trust myself with it, I'd lose it..'
'It's alright Miss Maya. I will take care of it for you', says Sebastian, Clara's personal Butler, and great friend to everyone. Maya had made sure Sebastian promises to never be rid of his moustache, it was his defining feature; apart from being a completely nice guy and having a British accent.
'Regina, the film starts in half an hour.. wanna get going?'
'Of course.. don't worry guys we'll be back later. We're just going to watch a movie' says Regina, suddenly full of energy- more energy then usual that is.
'Alright, what movie are you going to watch?' Asks Rachel. She was secretly bummed out she couldn't go with them but she won't complain, besides, she's noticed the way Regina and Maya look at each other. Regina had attempted to kiss Maya after King Mercenare was defeated. But Rachel had accidentally ruined the moment.
'Well Regina was thinking of a horror.. so we're gonna watch a horror movie'
'I see.. take care then you two.'
'Where's Mackenzie anyway?'
'She's got an audition for a movie'
'Oh. I hope she takes care then!' Says Maya enthusiastically.
Regina smiles as Maya takes her hand and walks to the movies. They pass through an alleyway to get to where they need to faster.

Maya and Regina soon arrived, just in time too. They only had 5 minutes to get their snacks and get their tickets.
The two girls had decided to sit at the very back, Maya loved to sit high, you could see the entire screen.

The movie was scarier then both of them expected, which caused Maya to hold onto Regina. This made Regina blush, the girl she was in love with was holding onto her. She felt really warm inside.
'This is definitely that Doki Doki Maya talks about.. I want to be just like her.. without her I would probably still be evil.. thinking back hurts, until I think of Maya.. of Glitter Heart, she makes me feel alive' Regina thought to herself.
She was subconsciously rubbing Maya's hair, which comforted Maya greatly, and comforted her too.
'Regina..? Can.. can we talk after this? It's.. really important..'
For once.. Maya had a sense of fear and anxiety in her voice, and was much quieter then usual, probably because she was in a cinema.
'Of course we can.. are you alright Maya?'
Regina's voice was gentle and sweet, deep inside she was hoping Maya would confess.

After the movie had ended, Maya and Regina had left the cinema, and Maya had dragged Regina to a nearby park, and sat her down on a bench.
'Okay.. um.. I um...' Maya kept tumbling on her own words, Regina looked at her hoping she was okay. She noticed Maya's eyes were watering. She clearly had something she needed to get off her chest.
Maya had said that so fast Regina couldn't even process it'
'I.. didn't quite hear you.. you were too fast' says Regina, giggling a little.
'I.. think... I'm... in.. l-love w-with you...'
Regina's heart stopped. Maya had confessed her love to her. She looked up at her, and a big smile formed on her lips, which started quivering.
Regina was internally jumping for joy.
'Maya... I love you too..' Regina's voice was so sweet and gentle.
Simultaneously, both of them started crying in each other's arms. They embraced, and each were happy.
Maya promised to fight harder for her, and she would never give up.

This was the beginning of a new story, and the girls knew it.

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