18 - Tensions

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Maya sat at the back of the classroom, twiddling with her hair. She was now back at school after returning from Kyoto.
She copies down the questions on the board in her workbook.
Regina prods her shoulder and signs for the answers.
Maya smirks and rolls her eyes, then quickly shows Regina the answers before Mr Shina noticed.

Class passes by normally and before they knew it was lunch time.
"Babe? A few people need me with something. I'll be back soon... love you."
Maya looks up to her lover from her seat.
"You sure you don't want me going with you?"
Regina nods and kisses her lover on the forehead.

Fifteen minutes pass.
"Hey Maya. You seen Regina?"
Maya shakes her head. Worry starts to set in.
"Are you alright..?"
Rachel leans forward to try and make eye contact with her best friend.
"I'm fine! No need to get in my face."
Rachel sits up, startled at Maya's outburst.

Mackenzie speaks up.
"Maya... tell us..." Mackenzie sounded worried.
"I'm just worried about Regina... I'm usually the one people go to ask for things... not anyone else." Maya clenches her heart and searches around the dinner hall.

The bell rings, signalling for the next lesson. Maya puts her dinner in her bag. She hadn't touched it at all.

She sits in her seat and watches the door closely. Luckily she had science, and her teacher wasn't as strict as most others.
Five minutes pass. Nothing.
Ten minutes pass. Nothing.
Twenty minutes pass. Nothing.

Rachel turned to look at Maya. She was fidgeting in her seat and tapping the table with her fingers.
Suddenly Maya puts her hand up.
"Mrs Jones. Please can I go look for Regina? She's not showed up all lesson.."
Mrs Jones frowns and looks towards Regina's seat. With hesitation she nods and Maya jumps out of her seat and walks to the door.

Seconds later Regina slides open the door and collapses in front of Maya. She was badly bruised and had cuts all over her, including what was clearly a stab wound in her abdomen.
Maya jolts back in a sudden state of panic. Luckily she was close enough so Regina had fallen into her arms.

Her senses overwhelm her and Maya begins to cry. Rachel jumps out of her seat and helps Regina onto a desk.
"Maya! Go get the nurse!"
"No buts! Now!"

Maya runs out of the room. She leaps down the two flights of stairs it took to get to the second part of the building where the infirmary was.
She swings the door open.
"Miss Shuri—need you to—Regina—! She's—!"
Miss Shuri, the nurse, could tell Maya was serious. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she was breathless.

Maya opens the door to her classroom.
"Thank God you're back... Regina's been calling out for y—!"
Rachel is cut off by Regina.
"M-Maya... I want my Maya..."
Maya starts to cry and rushes to Regina's side. She gently grabs her hand.

Regina starts to lose consciousness.
"Regina stay with me...!"

"Call an ambulance!" Rachel shouts towards Miss Shuri. Maya looks around slowly.

Fifteen minutes later, paramedics arrive and place Regina is put on a stretcher. Maya tries to follow but is stopped by Mrs Jones.
Maya goes to sit in her seat and puts her head on the desk. Mackenzie puts her on Maya's back reassuringly.

"Get off of me..!"
Maya sobs into her sleeves.
Rachel gets off the phone. She had rung the former King of Splendorius, Natalie, Clara and Maya's parents.

Natalie enters with her father and glares at Maya.
"What did you do to her?"
Mackenzie steps in.
"Maya did no—!"
Natalie glares at her.
"Did I ask you? No. Maya. What did you do to my sister?"

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