6 - Shining Bright!

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Glitter Spade searched for her comrades. Glitter Ace, Glitter Diamond and Glitter Clover. They had gone to Splendoria to defeat Marmo and save Regina.
Three months ago the Glitter Force swore to save Regina and stop the Mercaneres for good.

'So tell me what it's like in your realm Ulric.'
A tall grey wolf steps out of the shadow and leans on the wall.
'It's a lot like your realm, except we get more success. Although those Glitter Brats cause so many problems.'
'Oh your realm has a Glitter Force?'
'Yours does too?'
They both stared at each other until a small old woman with a brown cloak flies in through an opening on her broom.
'This is Brooha. The wicked witch. And those earth-shattering footsteps from down the hall is from Brute. The buffoon of a troll.'
Brooha smiles deviously and looks at Marmo.
'Pleasure to meet you Marmo. How did you contact us from another realm anyway?'

'A rip between two worlds also means a rip between dimensions. Say.. you wouldn't want to help me revive the Proto-Mercanere? A being more powerful and evil then Emperor Nogo?'
Brute, Ulric and Brooha decide between themselves. Brute steps forward.
'What's in it for us?'
'Oh a lot.' Says Marmo.
'For example destroying our Glitter Force. Starting with this brat right here.'
Marmo guides the group to Regina. She was trapped by chains. Her crystal blue eyes looked devoid of life, of hope.

Glitter Diamond calls Glitter Spade over.
'Diamond.. we need to get to the catacombs. That's where Regina is.'
A loud crack fills the air. The Glitter Force look up to see a portal opening. What? It's not even a portal any of the Mercaneres would use. There's a scream, then another, and another. Five young girls no older then the Glitter Force when they weren't a warrior. The girl with pink hair in a double bun looks up.

'What?' The girl looks at them confused.
Glitter Clover rushes over to her.
'Are you alright? What happened?'
'We— we were travelling through the Library of Legends, to get to Brooha. We just fell here. Where are we?'
Mackenzie approaches her.
'Welcome to Splendoria! My name is Glitter Spade. And who's Brooha?'
'I'm Emily.. or.. Glitter Lucky. Brooha is one of Emperor Nogo's flunkies.'
Mackenzie looks at Emily.
'Wait—! You're.. a Glitter Force Warrior?!'
'You are too?!'
Emily gets up, and steps back. Four other girls also slowly get up.

'I know you aren't used to this land.. but I can see you as valuable allies. Glitter Heart is at the hospital.. recovering from her injuries. We're here to stop Marmo from reviving Proto-Mercanere.'

'Well we may as well introduce ourselves. My name is Natalie. But you can call me Glitter Ace.'
'My name is Clara Yotsuba. But you can call me Glitter Clover.'
'My name is Rachel. But you can call me Glitter Diamond.'

The four other girls look at the Glitter Warriors confused.
The blue haired girl steps forward.
'My name is Chloe.. I'm Glitter Breeze.'
'I'm Kelsey. I'm Glitter Sunny.'
'I'm Lily. You can call me Glitter Peace.'
'And I'm April. I'm Glitter Spring.'

Maya wakes up. Next to her is her bouquet of flowers from Ira. She smiles slightly.
Maya suddenly feels a dark cloud pass over her heart. Something was wrong.
'That's it.. no more messing around! Time to save Regina. Kippie?'
'Here!' Kippie leaps onto the bed.
'Glitter Force Makeover!'
Maya transforms into Glitter Heart. Now wasn't the time for lazing about. Regina could be in danger. She flies over to Splendoria.

'Well it's lovely to meet you actually you girls seem really nice!' Emily smiles and squints her eyes at a beam of light.
'Hey what's that?'
The Warriors turn to look at a bright light flying to them. Could it be?

'The power of love! I'm Glitter Heart!'
'MAYA!' Clover, Ace, Spade and Diamond shout. Maya was alright.
'I sensed a brand new danger and got really worried. Wait— what? Are you—? You're— Glitter Lucky?!'
'What are you doing here? I thought you were fighting Emperor Nogo?'

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