20 - Getting Back Together

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Regina sprints to Maya's house. She had to warn Mr Aida. The girls followed closely behind.
Regina knocks on the door.
Mr Aida opens the door.
"Is something wrong? You all seem out of breath."
"Is Maya here?! It's seriously urgent!" Mackenzie says breathlessly.
Maya's father notices the slap mark on Regina's cheek.
"She's.. in her room.. sleeping.."
"Good... please can I see her...? I just can't bear seeing her in the state she's in..."

Mr Aida sighs and lets everyone in. He makes some tea for everyone while Regina goes upstairs alone to check on Maya.
She opens the door to her room.

Maya was asleep in her bed.
Regina walks to her bedside and kneels. She gently takes Maya's hand.
"Maya... I'm... so sorry... I know you'll never be able to forgive me... but I'm sorry... I can't bear of a future without you... it hurts so much... to not feel your loving embrace... to not feel your perfect kisses..."
Regina begins to sob. She runs her fingers through Maya's hair.

Maya slowly opens her eyes. She sees the outline of a beautiful angel in front of her. Her vision comes to. It was Regina...
Regina smiles slightly.
Maya sits up slowly and winces in pain.
"Regina...? I heard what you said.... I... forgive you... it's you that shouldn't forgive me..."
Maya looks at the mark on her cheek. She caused that...
"Maya... I don't care... I love you so much... every day has been hard without you in my arms..."

Maya looks down.
"I'm so sorry... I just need you...!" Regina pulls Maya into her arms and cries. Maya begins to cry too.
"W-will you t-take me back...?" Regina looks up to Maya with tears streaming down her face.
"Yes.. yes! A million times yes! I just want to be happy..!" Maya hugs Regina tightly and kisses her.
"First things first as your new and improved girlfriend... roll up your sleeves... please..."
Maya slowly rolls up her sleeves.
Regina kisses Maya's arms and goes to get some bandages and rubbing alcohol.

"You have to promise me this.. never ever self harm again... okay...?"
Maya nods slowly, just thankful to have Regina back.
Regina cleans her cuts and wraps some bandages around her arms. She gently rolls down Maya's sleeves.
"I'm going to get you some dinner... you're looking quite sickly... get changed too..."
Maya nods and smiles. The first genuine smile she had made since nearly three weeks ago.

"Hey Mr Aida..? You cooking anything?"
Regina smiles warmly. The other girls raise an eyebrow.
"In fact yes."
"Alright.. I'll take Maya's up for her."
Mr Aida smiles at Regina. He could sense her happiness. It seemed everyone could too.
Clara's eyes widen.
"Wait did you—? I mean—! That's great—!"
Clara smiles warmly.

Maya slowly comes down the stairs and shyly waves to everyone. Rachel smiles upon seeing Maya's magenta eyes.
"H-Hey e-everyone..."
She gently wraps her arms around Regina's arm and winces slightly. Regina's eyes widen upon seeing her lover wince in pain then remembers Maya's arm was still broken.

"Hey Rachel...? Can you check Maya's arm? You're the most skilled in the 'being a nurse' department..."
Rachel stands up and gently leads Maya to the table and gently lets her arm down.
"Tell me where it hurts okay..?"
Rachel presses down on Maya's arm in different places until she reached above her wrist. Maya thumps the table in pain.
"S—sorry—! R-right there—!"
Rachel nods and closely inspects her wrist.
"Your wrist hasn't healed correctly..."

Regina's eyes widen and she looks at Maya sadly.
'Oh Maya you poor thing... why does everything bad happen to you..?'

Mr Aida sets out dinner for everyone.
Regina takes Maya's plate and sits next to her.
She grabs her fork and hands it to her.
"Take it easy okay..?"
Maya nods and slowly eats. She found extreme difficulty using her right hand to eat.

Regina takes notice and smiles. She gently takes Maya's fork and helps her eat.
'God she's so adorable! Why did I ever break up with her?! I'm a fool!' Regina thought to herself.
'I'm glad I have you back Regina... I feel so much better already...'
Once finishing, Regina eats some of her dinner with the same fork just to tease Maya.

Regina gives Maya the rest of her dinner and smiles.

After spending some time catching up, Maya heads to her room. Regina was already there to Maya's surprise as she claimed to be going to the bathroom.
"Hey... I miss sleeping in this bed... I've also tidied your room.. and the bed.."
Maya smiles and holds her heart.
"What did I ever do to deserve you..?"
Regina blushes.
"Be the best thing that ever happened to me... now get in this damn bed I wanna cuddle..."
She pouts to tempt Maya more.

Maya gives in and closes the door and gets into bed. They cuddle for a while before Regina suddenly gets on top of Maya.
"Wait are we—?"
"No you dipstick... I wanna kiss..."
"Even better..~"
Regina raises an eyebrow and kisses her.

Maya wakes up and turns to her left. She smiles as she spots her lover next to her.
'I knew what happened last night was real...' Maya blushes reflecting on last night's events.
Regina stirs in her sleep. Maya climbs out of bed and picks up her clothes and throws them for the wash, then gets changed.

She sits at her desk and starts doing some homework.
Regina yawns and sits up.
"Oh good.. you haven't run away from me..."
Maya smiles at her lover's comment.
"You gonna get dressed sweetheart..?"
"Nah I'm gonna stay here naked all day I've decided."
The girls chuckle to themselves and Regina stands up. She kisses Maya's neck and selects some clothes from Maya's drawers.

After getting dressed Regina sits on Maya's lap.
"I'm surprised you can write.. you're left handed aren't you...?"
"Mainly left handed but dad taught me how to use my right hand too..."
Regina smiles and leans her head back onto her girlfriend's shoulder.

Natalie wakes up and remembers. Regina messaged saying she was back with Maya. Good thing too. She was tempted to destroy Heartbreak, which would also destroy Maya in the process.
'I'm glad they're back together... I hope Maya gets better now...'

"So... how are you feeling..?"
Regina makes eye contact with her lover.
"I feel so so happy... not just because of last night... but because we're back together... because I get to love you and cuddle you and get kisses and gifts..." Maya says softly.
"You're so adorable..."
Regina kisses Maya softly and stands up.
"Imma get us some breakfast..."

Maya sighs happily. She had her lover back, and they officially made the next step in their relationship, even though Maya believed it was a little too early.

Regina returns five minutes later with some cereal. Regina helps Maya to use her spoon with her right hand.
"Love you, babycakes... I'll never ever leave you again..."

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