3 - Glitter Regina

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'Maya slow down!'
Regina quickened her pace. She was struggling to keep up with Maya. She had been going to Sea Shell Bay Middle School with Maya ever since the defeat of the Proto-Mercanere.
The girls were already late for school as Regina lost her science homework and Maya had to search the house to find it.
Ever since the school learned about Maya's alter ego, she was taken off of the student council, so she could focus on saving the world more.

'Regina we're late for school! Come on!'
Maya grabs Regina's hand and runs faster with her to the school grounds.
Once there, they headed to their class and sat down at the back of the class.
'And why are you two girls late?'
Mr Harrison looks at the girls sternly. Maya was never usually late. She was a straight A student. Regina on the other hand had to rely on her. He wouldn't admit it but even though she had her charm, Mr Harrison saw Regina as a leech. He tried moving her away from Maya, but they both refused to split.
'S-sorry sir it's my fault! I accidentally left my homework and Maya helped me look for it...'
Mr Harrison sighs to himself. 'Oh well. As long as she's actually getting an education instead of leeching off of our best student.' He sighs to himself yet again. He was not having a good morning.
'Well we're actually about to go through the homework now. Regina?'
'Yes s-sir?' Regina looks up at Mr Harrison nervously.
'I've noticed you've been lagging behind lately. I expect you to have 18 out of the 20 questions completed or I will move you away from Maya and you will have a detention. Do I make myself clear?'

Maya felt horrible for Regina. She knew all too well Mr Harrison could have his off days, but he never unleashes all that negativity on any of his students. But Regina was getting punished because he believed she was leeching off of Maya. It was extremely upsetting actually. But not as upsetting unless you're on the receiving end of Mr Harrison's grouchiness.

'Are you okay Regina?'
Regina looked like she was about to cry. Something she doesn't do often.
'Huh...? Y-yeah— I-I'm.. Okay..'
'No you aren't..'
Maya gets out of her seat and hugs Regina.
Maya was adorable even when she wasn't trying to be.

'Sorry- am I disrupting something here?'
'No sir.. but I'm just making Regina feel better. She's not having a good day and you aren't making it any better.'
'Maya. Sit in your seat and shut up please. Okay class get out your homework.'
Regina was about to break down. Maya could see the tears forming in her eyes.
Without warning Regina rushes out of the room and into the girls bathroom.
'Regina wait—!'
'She'll be fine. She's just being petty.'

Maya flipped her desk in anger upon hearing those words leave Mr Harrison's mouth.
'Who are you to call my girlfriend non-important?! She's having a really rough day and she doesn't need this stress on top of it!'
Mr Harrison sighs and looks at Maya angrily, yet with a touch of guilt.
'Maya. Get your 'girlfriend' and both of you can see me after school tonight. Now get out of my classroom!'

Maya storms out the classroom and runs to the girls bathroom. Knowing that's where Regina would be.

Everyone could only look dumbfounded. Maya really stood up to Mr Harrison. And she was dating Regina? They'd heard of same-sex couples but to see one in their school, especially ones that are role-models is a big shock.
Adding to that shock is Mr Harrison. Calling Regina petty was the worst thing he could have said in the moment.

Rachel looks at the open door. It was hard to believe any of that just happened. If you never saw it with your own eyes you wouldn't believe it.
And Maya said she was dating Regina, in front of the entire class. Rachel hoped they wouldn't be bullied for it.
It was no surprise to her that Regina was dating Maya. In the past week alone she had noticed the two girls get an awful lot closer.
The biggest surprise was Maya flipping a desk, yelling at her favourite teacher and then storming out of the classroom.

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