13 - The Best Christmas

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Regina watches Maya as she glides around the kitchen, helping her dad and grandad prepare Christmas dinner.

Rachel sits with Mackenzie, gossiping about how clumsy Maya is, and how she shouldn't be left alone in a kitchen.
'She almost burnt down the house when she was eight?'
Rachel nods and giggles.
'It's funny really. Especially because she's always been a Happy Prince. She tried cooking some food for everyone, set half of the kitchen on fire.'
Mackenzie chuckles.
'Hey! I can hear you bullying me over there! Ow that burns!'
Everyone laughs at Maya's clumsiness.

'Hey girls..? We have time.. wanna go get everything wrapped up?'
Regina enters the room with her hand on her hip. Rachel and Mackenzie stand up and follow her to Maya's room, where they gossip while wrapping up presents for everyone.

'So.. you were in Splendoria last week Mackenzie.. How's Johnny?'
Rachel smiles towards Mackenzie, the faintest of blushes visible on her face.
'Oh Johnny's fine.. he said he's gonna get us something by Sunday..'

'You know why she asked that question Mackenzie..?'
Regina grins slyly.
Rachel looks at her in alarm, her blush becoming more visible.
'Rachel has a C-R-U-S-H...'
'H—huh—?! N—no—?! Johnny is too old for me—!'
Regina and Mackenzie laugh together and Mackenzie pulls Rachel into a hug.

Regina notices Rachel blush a lot more in Mackenzie's arms. Did she have a crush? Maybe she was blushing because she was making eye contact with her...

Johan watches the house from a distance. That's where Maya lives. Tomorrow was Christmas Day, and he had something planned.
'You're in for a world of suffering Maya Aida.. I'll make sure of it.'

Maya heads up the stairs to her room. She was exhausted. She opens the door to find Mackenzie asleep on Rachel, and Regina reading a book in Maya's bed.

'Hey babe..'
Regina puts her book down and smiles.
'Those two were being fairly lovey dovey.. it was kinda cute.. Mackenzie told me it was because Rachel was worrying about her father, and since it was blatantly obvious Rachel has a crush on Mackenzie.. they both read together and cuddled..'

Maya turns to the two girls sleeping on the floor. She grabs a spare mattress and places it on the floor, then gently moves the girls onto the makeshift bed and puts pillows under them and a cover over them.

Regina smiles and clenches her heart. There was a hint of jealousy. She quickly brushes it off before Maya noticed.
'Did Rachel blush when she looked at Mackenzie..?'
Regina nods slowly.
'She looks at you the same way... possibly even me and Clara too...'

Regina thinks to herself for a moment. Could Rachel like her too?
Thinking about it causes her to blush in front of Maya. She only smiles towards her.

'You're so cute Regina...'
Maya lies on top of Regina and falls asleep.
'So are you Maya...'

Morning arrives. It was Christmas Day.

Regina awakens to Maya squealing in excitement. Mackenzie and Rachel were already awake.

'She's always like this don't worry..'
Rachel informs everyone and smiles at Maya.

'Quit being a goofball and save your excitement for soon!'
Regina sits up and tickles Maya's sides, forcing her to laugh and sit on Regina's knees.

'But it's Christmas! I get to spend it with everyone I love! Mom told me last night Natalie and Clara will joining us!'

Mackenzie stretches and grabs a book.

Clara sits quietly in the car. She was on her way to Maya's house with her family and Sebastian.

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