17 - Kyoto

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Regina grabbed Maya's hand and rushes towards a coffee shop.
"Of course.. you and your coffee~!"
Maya and Regina giggle and exchange a kiss. Today they were going to explore Kyoto.

"Hmm.. what would you like?"
Regina cups her chin in her hand and glances at the list.
"Caramel frappè please!"
"And I'll get one of those too.. want anything else? A cookie or something?"
"That muffin looks tasty..."
Maya glances towards the muffin. It was a fairly large muffin with a toffee center (as labelled on a window housing the muffin) and white chocolate chips inside.

Maya pulls out her money and walks to the counter.
"Two caramel frappes please. Oh and one of those muffins too!"
The clerk nods his head.
"That'll be ¥800 please."
Maya hands him the money.
"You sitting in or going out?"
"We're sitting in.."
Maya looks to where Regina had decided to sit.
"Far end by the window.."
The clerk nods his head and exchanges a warm smile.

"Alright darling... where do you wanna go today?"
Maya glances at the map Regina had pulled out.
"Well... we've been to the castle last night. How about we just have a look-see around the city and then head up to one of the hills so we can get a view?"
Regina smiles.
"Sounds like a plan to me.."

A waitress comes and places the frappes and muffin on the table.
Regina and Maya thank her.
"Damn she's nice looking..."
Regina giggles as she says that. Luckily nobody heard her.
"Regina don't embarrass us you doof..!"
"She's... oh what's the term... sex on legs?"

Maya folds her arms and pouts.
"Oi. I'm the only one you're meant to have your eye on.."
Regina giggles. She loved to intentionally make Maya jealous by teasing her with other girls.
"Oh I know that darling..~"
"Carry on and no cuddles for the remainder of the trip. Got it?"
Regina pouts and nods.

"Oh wait I just remembered! Mackenzie is performing here tonight!"
Regina's eyes widen. She pulls out her phone and looks at her messages. Sure enough there were several messages from her lilac-haired friend.
'Regina I've tried calling you several times! Did you forget about tonight?!'
Regina texts back.
'Mackenzie I'm so so so sorry I completely forgot! Something happened with Maya last night and I had to stay up most of the night to make sure she didn't do anything stupid! Don't worry I'll be there in 15!'

"Maya I've gotta run! I completely forgot I'm doing a duet with Mackenzie! Don't worry I'll get you VIP!"
Regina kisses Maya on the lips and runs in the direction of where the concert was going to be held.

Mackenzie smelled the air. It was nice to finally be out of the car.
She spots a blonde haired girl with very long hair running towards her.
That was Regina all right.
"Finally you show up.. anyway... we've gotta get ready.. do you mind telling me what exactly happened to Maya last night..?"
Regina hesitates to answer for a moment.

"Maya was sent into an alternate universe where the world hated her for something diabolical... it broke her... so much that she actually tried to—!"
Regina cuts herself off, trying not to choke on her own words.
Luckily Mackenzie seemed to catch onto what Maya had done and gives her a sympathetic look.
"T—that's horrible... oh Maya.... everything bad seems to only happen to her..."
Regina nods her head slowly and hugs her.

"Another thing... can we talk about this in private..?"

"...So you're telling me you both— did it..?"
Regina's eyes widen in surprise.
"N—no! I'm pretty sure we didn't... I don't remember at all..."
Mackenzie raises an eyebrow and hugs Regina.
"Well then... that's very strange.. have you— checked—?"
Regina narrows her eyes.
"I don't really—!"
"Don't worry Regina... I'm not gonna tell anyone. Now.. get ready. We've gotta rehearse."

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