16 - Maya's Greatest Fear

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Maya didn't need a flashlight. The night sky was already luminous by the rift. Regina followed close behind.
They headed onto the castle grounds. This was where Regina had seen the beam of light crash down.
"Are you sure about this..?"
Regina whispered to Maya from behind. She seemed anxious. No wonder.
"Pretty sure... I'm gonna transf— Wait- no- Kippie isn't here."
Maya hears the sound of rustling in a set of bushes off to her left.
Regina latches onto Maya tightly.

A sudden burst of light surrounds Maya. Then there was nothing.
Maya was gone. So was the beam of light.
Regina frantically searches her surroundings. She checks every bush in sight. No Maya anywhere.

Maya wakes up in her own bed.
'What?' She thought to herself. Just seconds ago she was in Kyoto with Regina.
Then she realised her pink bed was now red. In fact, almost her entire room was a reddish colour.
Maya slowly climbs out of her bed and heads downstairs.
"Mom? Dad?"
They don't acknowledge her existence, rather they make a shooing motion telling her to 'get lost'. Something wasn't right.

Maya heads to the school. Maybe one of the girls could tell her what the hell was going on.
She spots Regina walking with Clara to school. They seemed.. too close?
Maya joins up with the girls.
"Hey girls!"
"Oh, Maya. Hey. This is my girlfriend, Clara."
Maya's eyes widen in surprise.
"She decided to help me out after we broke up. I'm so glad too. You're just the sweetest Clara!"
"Oh don't flatter me darling!"
Maya steps back, unable to process what just happened.

"B—But Regina— we— we were dating minutes ago—! In Kyoto?"
Regina raises an eyebrow and scoffs.
"Have you hit your head recently? We never went to Kyoto. We were going to but because you ruined everything I broke up with you! Stop dreaming! You never could face the harsh reality could you?!"
Regina and Clara go to school without another word, leaving Maya alone. Could it all have been a dream? Was this her reality? It can't be right?
Maya falls to her knees and starts to cry.
"R—Regina—! W—Why—?"
She curls into a ball and sobs more.

It dawned on Regina. Maya had been taken through the rift. Since the beam of light was now gone, she had no choice but to fly through the rift, and save Maya.

Maya looks up to see Mackenzie and Clara stepping over her.
"M—Mackenzie, R-Rachel?"
Mackenzie stops.
"What do you want? We want nothing to do with you after what you did to Regina. What sort of horrible person do you have to be to do that to someone?!"
Maya clenches her heart in pain.
"Maya, after all my years of knowing you, you finally showed me your true colours. You're a disgusting freak! No wonder she wishes you were dead!"
Maya steps back, terrified.
"Y—You don't understand—! I—I wouldn't—I— I would never hurt anyone—!"
Mackenzie scoffs and Rachel kicks Maya in the knee, causing her to fall over.
"Just looking at you pisses me off. Now go! Scram!"

Without another word Maya sprints off to the park.
Maya didn't understand what was happening, or where she was.
This wasn't her reality. But what if it was? What if she dreamed of being with Regina? What if she really did do something diabolical?
Maya curls up into a ball next to a stream and cries.

She notices the glimmer of a large broken piece of glass. Without much thinking, she picks up the glass, and inspects it.
'Still sharp..' she thought to herself.
She holds out her arm and closes her eyes. She grits her teeth as she begins to feel the sudden intense surge of pain.
But she deserved it, right?

Regina was now in the alternate reality. She would check Maya's house first. If she wasn't there, she would check the school. Then she would check the park.
She opens the door to the Pig Tail.
"Mrs Aida.. have you seen Maya?"
Mr Aida looks up.
"Oh we don't want anything to do with her. Not after what she did to you. Why do you care so much about her anyway?"
If Maya spoke to her parents this would definitely almost break her.

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