30 - What's Next?

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Two weeks have passed since the 'Nexus Catastrophe'.
Johan was dead, the rift was gone. The world was saved from evil.

Maya wakes up in her bed. She looks to her side to see the most beautiful girl she had ever laid eyes on. Regina. Two weeks ago, an alternate version of Regina saved all of reality. Maya deemed her the 'Hero of All Reality'.

"Good morning my hero..." Maya says softly, with a blush quickly forming on her cheeks.
Regina opens her eyes and smiles.
"Good morning, Princess..." she responds. Maya blushes more and sits up. It was back to school today.
She climbs out of bed and gets changed into her school uniform.
Regina gets out of bed too and gets into her school uniform.

Mackenzie sighs.
She had a concert tonight. Luckily all of her friends were going to watch her perform.
Rachel walks up behind her and wraps her arms around Mackenzie's waist.
"You're up early I see...?" She says with a smile.
Mackenzie turns around to face Rachel and smiles.
"You are going to be there tonight, right?" She asks.
Rachel smiles.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world.." she says softly and plants a kiss on her lips, causing Mackenzie to blush.

Clara pats Natalie on the head and smiles.
"Heading off to school, Natalie?" She asks with a smile. Natalie nods and hugs her tall girlfriend.
"One day I'll be able to kiss you without needing a stool!" She says with a pout. Clara chuckles.
Clara leans forward a little so Natalie can kiss her. They kiss and then depart, as Clara went to a private school, and Natalie was still in elementary.

The day passes by normally, before everyone knew, it was home time.
"Today passed by just like that!" Maya exclaims as she clicks her fingers. Regina chuckles and kisses her cheek. Rachel holds hands with Mackenzie as they walk out of school.
"So when's the concert start, Mackenzie?" Asks Regina.
"6pm. Better be there or I'll kill you in your sleep." Says Mackenzie as she laughs sadistically, adding to her joke.

Maya and Regina head home and get dressed.
"I'm looking forward to tonight. Mackenzie said she's playing a new song we haven't heard before!" Maya exclaims with a grin on her face.
Regina playfully rolls her eyes.
"After nearly three years you're still a little fangirl whenever you see her.." Regina jokes with a chuckle.
Maya pouts and kisses her.
"No being mean or I won't kiss you for a week."
"Aww... But I like teasing you and I can't hear not kissing you." Says Regina. Maya gives her a playful glare.

The girls had decided to dress nicely for the occasion. They don't get invited to super special concerts with VIP seats often.
Maya starts to sing on the way there.
Regina covers her ears.
"Maya stop you'll tear a hole in the fabric of the universe!" She exclaims. Maya stops and pouts at her with a frown.
"That's it. No kisses for a week."
"But babeee~!"
"Nope. No huggies or kissies for a week."
Whenever Maya says no 'this for a week', she usually means it, meaning Regina wouldn't get kisses for a week.

Regina pouts and stops in her tracks, giving Maya puppy eyes.
"Stop with the puppy eyes—! I won't let you break me—!" Maya shouts with a playful glare.
Regina doesn't break her puppy-eyed stare.
"I'll kiss you... if.... you shout how much you love me. I mean really shout."
Regina grumbles a little.
"Only so I can get hugs and kisses."

She takes a deep breath and walks into the muddle of a large crowd.
"I LOVE MAYA AIDA MORE THAN I LOVE ANYTHING ELSE!" She shouts. Everyone looks to her, then looks to Maya, who was grinning and fist bumping the air in victory.
Regina pulls Maya into an embrace and kisses her.
Maya blushes intensely now that all eyes were on the couple.
"That's wholesome one hundred." Says a young boy.
"Relationship goals!" Shouts a girl.
"That's gotta be one of the most adorable couples I've ever seen." Says a woman to her friend.
"Ew. That's disgusting. Get a room you dykes!" Shouts two boys that think they're cool.
Regina smiles when someone punches them both.

Mackenzie takes a deep breath and walks onto the stage. She looks to the VIP section and smiles when she sees all of her friends.

"Good evening everyone! I want to start out tonight with a brand new song! This one goes out to a few friends of mine that have helped me out through thick and thin and have ultimately made my life all the better for it! I'd like to welcome all my friends onto the stage! These girls are heroes! You may have heard of the Nexus Catastrophe. These girls and I saved reality itself from collapsing!"
Everyone starts to cheer. Maya, Regina, Clara, Natalie and Rachel walk onto the stage and wave to the crowd.
"Everyone, Glitter Force: Doki Doki!" Mackenzie shouts.
"You girls can stand at the side if you want.. if I don't start performing right now Big Barry's gonna kill me." Mackenzie jokes. The girls stand back.

Mackenzie performs her song, which was dedicated to the girls, and specifically to Maya, as she had brought everyone together in the first place.
Maya's phone buzzes shortly after Mackenzie's song finishes. She checks it and rolls her eyes with a smile.
"Glitter Time!" She shouts. Mackenzie turns and nods her head.
"I'll be back in fifteen minutes! Don't go anywhere!" Mackenzie shouts. Everyone transforms on the spot and flies off.

"All together, one last time!" Glitter Heart shouts to the girls.

"Glitter Force Doki Doki!"

And that's all he wrote. That's Glitter Force: After Story.
I honestly don't know how to feel.. I feel, emotional at the time of writing this. To see this story I've written come to a close as a new one begins, it's bittersweet.
What originally started as a passion project seemed to have turned into so much more than that.
I don't know whether to cry of happiness about this or not, as I love to come home from school and just write up these stories, putting the characters through mill and giving them so much emotion.

I think 30 chapters is good to end on. I'm definitely going to go over and refine some parts of the story. After that, I'll label this story as completed.
This was my first proper story I've ever written, with 30 chapters to its name.
If you don't know already, I have a few other active stories too, that have no clear endings yet.
Those are:

- Glitter Force: Heartbreak (A spin-off of After Story.)
- DokiDoki Precure! Maya x Mackenzie: A Tale of Love (A story told from the character's point of view, specifically Maya's and Mackenzie's.)

There is also a sequel to this story called Glitter Force: Future Days. This will be set 3 years after the events of After Story.
That story will feature some sexual content (not that this one didn't, I just switched perspectives and cut back to after they'd done it), more bad language and more graphic content, yet I still want it to remain 'Precure'.
Also, the character 'J's' real name is Reginald. I didn't want it to be too on the nose so I just used the first letter of my name instead, that being 'J'. So essentially I incorporated myself into the story but not really as he's an alternate version of Regina.

Anyway that's all from me. Thanks for sticking around to see the entirety of Glitter Force: After Story!

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