14 - New Year, New You

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"Johan! What are you doing here?!"
Maya stands in front of the girls defensively.

"You aren't going to escape my grasp this time! You are still the one who killed my brother!"
Maya closes her eyes.

"Maya didn't kill him! I did! After what he did! I lost control of myself.."
Maya's eyes widen at Regina's confession.

"Ah yes. Regina... should've known. Especially seeing as you've got a strong obsession with this Glitter Brat. No saving her this time!"

Johan produces a large circular saw out of dark energy and throws it towards Maya.
Marshmallow jumps in the way.

Mackenzie had been watching Marshmallow closely the entire time, and her reaction was almost instantaneous when he jumped up to save Maya.
"Not this time!"
Mackenzie pushes Marshmallow and Maya out of the way and takes the hit. The saw cuts through her side, gravely injuring her.

Rachel and Clara grit their teeth.

"Oh enough of this sentimental crap fight me! Transform!"
Johan growls in anger and frustration.

"On your left!"
Glitter Heart kicks Johan into a tree.

Johan jumps up and throws three circular saws towards Regina.
"Clover Reflection!"
The saws bounce back and one of the saws cut through Johan's hand.

"You'll pay for this, Glitter Force! This is not over!"

"I think it is. Altogether girls!"
The Glitter Force pull out their Crystal Pads and wings protrude out of their backs.
Maya strums a harp.
"Royal lovely straight flush!"

The blast knocks Johan back and mortally wounds him.
"I'll.. get my revenge."
The Mercanere disappears with a click of his fingers.

"Well.. that was something..."
Glitter Heart transforms back into Maya, and rushes to Mackenzie's aid.
Rachel holds her hand and calls an ambulance.

"Why is it the best days are always ruined..?"
Regina sighs and folds her arms.


Rachel gently knocks on the door. Mackenzie had been in hospital for a few days now. She was injured quite badly.
She grips the base of the bouquet of flowers tightly.
"C-come in.."
Mackenzie's voice was so soft.
Rachel opens the door and walks to the edge of Mackenzie's bed.
They both smile at each other.
"Hey Rachel... how have things been?"
Rachel shrugs her shoulders and smiles.
"Not the same without you... it's New Years Eve tomorrow... I were speaking with a nurse about it... you'll be in a stable enough condition to see the fireworks with me and the girls."

Mackenzie's eyes light up. Rachel grabs a chair and sits next to her.
"And I'm glad you'll be able to see them with us.."
She subconsciously puts her hand to her heart and a blush forms on her cheeks. Mackenzie also blushes and cups Rachel's cheek.

"I'm glad too... you're really cute you know that..?"
Rachel blushes more.
"H-huh—?! N-not as c-cute as M-Maya or Regina or Clara or Natalie—!"
"What are you on about..? You're the most adorable girl in the group.. probably because you act tsundere..."
Rachel was now bright red and hides her face in her hair.
Mackenzie cups Rachel's cheek and smiles.
"Have a talk with Maya and Regina... I know the way you look at them.. perv.. ehehe~!"
"H—Huh—?! N-no I-I—I don't—!"

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