24 - Jealousy

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Regina opens her eyes. A week ago she had given Maya a promise ring. She looks to her sleeping girlfriend and smiles. She looks at the clock and sits up, rubbing the back of her neck.
'Might make her some breakfast.. I mean we're coming up to Maya's birthday, August 4th.'
Regina climbs out of bed and heads downstairs.

Maya awakens to the smell of bacon. That actually smelt great! It didn't smell burnt or anything! Maya had a very good nose when it came to food.
She climbs out of bed and heads downstairs. She's surprised to see Regina putting bacon and eggs on a plate with some toast.
"Well good morning, beautiful." She says. I smile.
"Since when did you learn to cook? This smells great! Hope you also made some for mom and dad."
Regina smiles at Maya's thoughtfulness for her family.
"If you can see, there's five plates. All with breakfast on them." Regina retorts. Maya nods her head and smiles.

The girls take breakfast to Maya's parents and her grandfather.
"Well this is a pleasant surprise! Thank you, Regina!" Says Maya's grandfather. Regina blushes and bows her head.
"Thank you. That means a lot coming from you."
Maya smiles at Regina and her grandad.

The girls sit in silence, watching a movie while eating breakfast.
Maya moans a little.
"Regina I don't know how but you made some top tier bacon and eggs!"
Regina blushes and kisses her girlfriend on the cheek.

Rachel sighs a little and gets out of bed. She had woken up late, something unusual for her. Rory sits on her shoulder.
"Everything okay, Rachel?" He asks. Rachel looks up to her blue pixie friend and smiles.
"I'm alright, Rory."
Rachel wasn't. Rory could sense she wasn't from a mile off. Rachel actually felt jealousy towards Maya and Regina. She didn't know why she suddenly felt it, but it came on strongly.
'Maybe it's because I want Maya all to myself...' she thought to herself.

Rory wraps his tiny little arms around Rachel's shoulder in a hug, eliciting a chuckle from her.
"I'm hungry, Rachel!"
Rachel rolls her eyes and heads downstairs.
She looks at a note on the wall leading to the kitchen.
'Out of town for a few days.
Love you sweetie. Breakfast is in the oven.
Mom and Dad xxxx'
Rachel smiles a little and sighs. She gets her breakfast out of the oven.
She remembers it was her parent's anniversary.

Rory and Rachel eat breakfast in silence. Rory grows more concerned for his best friend.
"Tell me what's wrong.." he says quietly.
Rachel looks down to him, frowns then sighs.
"I'm fine. I've said it already."
"Rachel, I can read you like a book. You're jealous. Why? What's to be jealous about?"

Rachel sighs and puts down her fork.
"Maybe I just want Maya to myself. I don't know where this feeling came from but it did."
Rachel eases up a little after her confession.
Rory looks at her sadly.
"Sometimes we all wish that. Sometimes we wish we could have the person we love most all to ourselves, and happily be selfish with them. I get those thoughts, Mackenzie does, Clara does I'm sure even Maya gets those thoughts."
Rachel looks to her little blue friend and smiles a little, then frowns.

"Yeah but it's hard not to when your best friend that you're madly in love with is with someone else. It's a sucky feeling. I just feel like I'm not good enough for Maya. I'm too stern, I don't look half as attractive as Regina. I don't even Maya knows how much I truly care for her. She's probably forgotten I exist..."
Rory sighs. He looks up to his best friend and sees her eyes glimmer. A single tear runs down her cheek.
Rory transforms into her human form and hugs Rachel.
"Maya hasn't forgotten about you... I can assure you. And you do the exact same thing Maya's been doing lately. You look straight through me. You don't see how much I care for you, how I'm there for you no matter what."
Rory puts Rachel's head in his chest. She tries to stifle her sob to no avail.
"It's alright... let it out..."

Kippie enters Maya's room and transforms into her phone form.
"You got a message from Rory, Maya."
Maya nods and plays the message.
"Hey Maya. I've just put Rikka back to bed. She was scared you had forgotten about her. Before I took her to bed I kind of made a lie saying you wanted to meet her by the beach later today. Would you be able to meet her? I'm just really worried about her..."

The message ends. Maya looks to Kippie, then to Regina, then looks down, ashamed of herself. A burst of guilt hits her hard.
'Oh Rachel I'm so sorry... you're my best friend and I've been treating you poorly...' I think to myself. Regina hugs me.
"Tell Rachel to meet me at the beach at six... I want to make things right. I've been a terrible friend lately and I've not seen it." Says Maya. Kippie nods her head and sends a message to Rory.

"You've not been a terrible friend at all babe... you've just not been the best friend she needs..." Regina says quietly. Maya looks to her and nods.

Rachel approaches Maya at the beach, anxiety welling up within her.
Maya turns around and smiles warmly at her presence.
"Hey Rachel..." She says quietly, anxiety also hitting her in the stomach.
"Hey.." Rachel says as she smiles sadly.
"I brought you here because I've been a bad friend. I was blinded by love and I completely forgot about my friends... I want to say I'm sorry... you're still wanting be my best friend right..?"

Rachel embraces Maya tightly, stifling a sob. She then backs away and takes a deep breath.
"I never stopped wanting to be... if I could I would be more... I already admitted this to Rory so I might as well tell you... Maya, I've been madly in love with you for years and I've always been scared to admit it to you... I long for the day where I'd get a chance to be with you... but you've got Regina... someone who's more attractive than me, and loves to help others as much as you do."
Rachel looks down.

Maya also looks down, in thought. She was trying to process what Rachel just said. She wouldn't have guessed Rachel loved her that way. Rachel turns to leave but Maya grabs her arm and gently pulls her close.
"Rachel... why didn't you tell me sooner...? I love you too... I have for years.. I just never thought you swung that way..." Maya admits. Rachel looks up at her in surprise and looks down again, blushing a little now.
"I only swing that way when it comes to you, Maya."
Maya smiles a little.

"Does everyone happen to be madly in love with me?" Maya asks. Rachel looks at her as if she had just asked a stupid question.
"Maya, simply put, we would all kill for you. Regina, me, Clara, Natalie and Mackenzie. Plus some other boys. You won't believe how much Clara loves you. If you put us in an arena saying 'the winner gets to be with me', we'd probably kill each other. That or Clara kicks all our sorry asses."
Maya laughs at Rachel's comment. Playing it back in her head, Rachel was probably right. Clara and Natalie loving her really surprised her though. She didn't expect either of them to swing that way. Maybe Clara but not much.

Maya lifts Rachel's head and kisses her softly.
Rachel looks at her in surprise and slight fear, yet an intense blush forms on her face.

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