15 - The Rift in the Sky

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January 17th. The day before Maya and Regina's one year anniversary of being together.

"Morning baby!"
Regina jumps on Maya to wake her up, she was in a playful mood.
Maya wakes up and grunts a little in pain, but chuckles upon seeing Regina's adorable face.
"Good morning to you, honey... what time is it?"
Regina looks up at the clock.
Maya notices Regina wearing her school uniform and jumps up, rushing to get dressed. She didn't notice she was actually changing in front of Regina.

Regina looks Maya up and down and smirks, then goes to the bathroom.

Maya stands by the door, waiting for Regina.
She runs down the stairs, now wearing her comically oversized signature red bow.
"Alright let's go. Bye mom! Bye dad!"

"Were you watching me get dressed?"
Maya turns to Regina and raises an eyebrow.
"Maybe a little.. so what if I did? We're lovers after all..."
Regina smirks and holds Maya's hand.
"Just for that you owe me a chocolate muffin!"
The two girls laugh together.

Mackenzie and Rachel were almost at the school, casually gossiping.
"Did Regina tell you about what she planned for hers and Maya's anniversary?"
Mackenzie shakes her head.
"Basically she persuaded Maya's dad to book an actual vacation for them. Maya knows nothing about it. Regina wants it to be a surprise."
"Oh nice! Guess we'll have to one-up them.. ehehe~!"
The two girls giggle.

"So what type of vacation did you plan for them?"
Mrs Aida confronts her husband.
"Oh, I booked a hotel for them in Kyoto. One of the most beautiful places in Japan. Only two hours by car."
Mrs Aida smiles.
"So who planned it? Regina or Maya?"
"Regina. She was really secretive about it. Didn't want Maya to know."
"Ah so Regina's more of the romantic type than our own daughter.. gets that from you."
"Hey! Is that meant to be a personal attack or something?"
The couple both laugh.

"—Maya. Maya Aida!"
Maya looks up.
"Have you been listening?"
She hadn't. She had been daydreaming about Regina.
"Y—yes sir—!"
Regina looks to her left and raises an eyebrow. Was Maya okay?
"So tell me what Pythagoras' Theorem is then."
Maya physically freezes up.

She turns to her left, Rachel had written it down on her hand and held it so Maya could see.

"I-it's uh— it's.. a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle. It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides—!"

"Good. Very good Maya. Try to pay attention next time okay? Thanks for helping her out Rachel."

Maya sighs and gets on with her work.
The school day drags on. All she could think about was Regina, and the future they had promised each other.

"..Maya! Are you alright? You seem really out of it today..."
Mackenzie lifts Maya's head and sits her on a bench.
"H—huh-?! S-sorry.. just.. a little tired.."
Mackenzie raises her eyebrow, not believing a word of it.
Regina and Rachel rushe to the girls.
"Maya are you alright? We've been worrying about you.. you don't seem yourself.."
"I—I'm fine.. I've just got a lot on my mind.."
Maya glances to Regina for a split second.

Regina sits next to Maya and puts her head on her lap and gently runs her fingers through her hair.
Maya almost immediately falls asleep on her.
"Huh... so she was tired then."
Mackenzie sighs a little.
"I think it's a little more then that."
"Rachel.. could you go to the infirmary and ask the nurse to send Maya home? I think she's got a little bit of a fever..."
Rachel nods and feels Maya's forehead.
"Christ—! Yeah she's burning up—!"

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