11 - A New Adventure

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It was October 20th. Three months ago Maya gave her life to save her lovers and her best friends: Regina, Mackenzie, Natalie, Clara and Rachel.
However, thanks to the Miracle Jewel, Maya was revived by Regina and Mackenzie. Since then, life had been amazing for her, as it usually was.

Mackenzie cuddles with Regina, both of them sleeping peacefully.
Maya was sat at her desk, reading a book while quietly listening to music.
Kippie was fast asleep next to her. She was only a pixie so she didn't take up much space on the desk.
Maya yawns and sits back a little. Luckily it was a weekend.
She closes the book and looks at her homework.
'Better now then ever..'
She begins work on her homework, and even finishes off Regina and Mackenzie's homework.
Maya falls asleep at her desk.

'..Maya! Come on get up..'
Mackenzie shook Maya awake. She had been trying to wake her up for the last five minutes.
Maya slowly wakes up.
'How much sleep did you get..?'
'I don't know... I was finishing off everyone's work...'
Mackenzie smiles a little and looks at the homework. She sure completed it alright.
'Oh Maya... you didn't have to..'
Maya snores softly. Mackenzie sighs a little but smiles and carries her into her bed.
'I'll let you sleep in for a bit..'
Mackenzie kisses her softly and leaves the room.

'Is Maya still not up yet?'
Regina raises an eyebrow towards Mackenzie.
'Nope. She did all our homework though.. bless her.. I'm letting her sleep in for a bit.. then we'll wake her up.'
'Alright.. hope she doesn't push herself too much.. don't want her damaging herself..'
Regina stands up and embraces Mackenzie.

Maya yawns and slowly gets out of bed. She was starving.
She walks downstairs after getting dressed.

'Well hello stranger.'
Regina was sat in the living room, watching TV.
Mackenzie looks up from the table. She had been making a puzzle.
'Afternoon Maya..'
'Heya Mackenzie.'
Regina stands up and stretches.
'I'm hungry. Wanna go to the store and get something?'
Maya's eyes light up.
'Yes of course!'
Mackenzie and Regina both giggle and go to get their shoes and coat.

The weather was cold and bitter. You could tell it was winter now.
'Brrr... it's freezing!'
Regina shivers and latches onto Maya's arm for warmth.
'You think?'
Mackenzie looks towards Regina and giggles a little. She spots Clara, Natalie and Rachel walking together.

'Hey look it's the girls!'
Maya has clearly also noticed the girls.
'Clara! Rachel! Natalie!'

The three girls turn around and spot Maya waving them over.
'Hello stranger! It's been a little while hasn't it?'
Rachel giggles a little as she approaches her best friends.
Maya smiles and kicks the ground a little in embarrassment.

'My fault really.. been doing a you aha..'
Rachel raises an eyebrow at Maya.
'I mean I've been doing everyone's homework willingly..'

'You're such a happy prince..'
The girls say in unison, except for Regina.
'What's a Happy Prince, Maya?'

Regina looks towards her lover. Rachel speaks up, clearly in her element.
'In the story a golden statue of a prince asks a swallow for help so that it can give parts of itself to those who are in need. He gives and gives until there's nothing left of him. He gave himself away because he wanted to help everyone. Maya is the personification of the Happy Prince. It worries all of us sometimes..'

Regina gasps a little and looks towards Maya. She's come close to losing her so many times because she wants to help everyone.
She should help Maya out more. Maybe she'd get into less trouble..

'Regina don't worry I'm fine... I've been doing this for years and I've not given myself away completely yet!'

'But you've sure as hell been in so much more trouble that almost cost your life.'
Regina fires back at Maya and pulls her into a tight hug.
'I never want to lose you. What happened three months ago was traumatic enough.. I never want to see a repeat of that.. Ever.'

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