2 - Mackenzie's Goodbye

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It had been over a week since Maya and Regina had confessed their love to each other. Mackenzie's birthday was tomorrow, which had put a lot of pressure on Maya.
'Hey princess'
Princess was Regina's nickname for Maya. Only Clara and Natalie actually knew Maya and Regina were dating, meaning Maya would only need to tell Rachel and Mackenzie. She knew Rachel would take it well, but she didn't know about Mackenzie.
Maya had decided to stop thinking about it, so she wouldn't depress herself.
'Heya Maya! Wanna watch TV?'
'Well.. I'm thinking of going to the park with the girls... but yeah I'll watch TV with you!'
'You're a big goof Regina and I love you so much for it!' Maya grabbed Regina's cheeks and gently squished them. Regina looked at her confused but soon was giggling, and Maya started giggling too.
'What's a goof?' Regina asked curiously, in that sweet, innocent tone.
'Uh... I'm not.. sure..'
'Guess I'll look it up then.. eheh..'
'Oop- Mackenzie's calling.. I'll be in the other room okay? I'll be back shortly..' Maya kisses Regina's cheek and goes into the other room.

'Mackenzie? Is something wrong?'
'Can you come over? Bring Regina too.'
'You did-'
'Oh and tell Natalie too, she's not answering my calls..'
The call ends abruptly. This sent all sorts of scenarios flowing through Maya's mind. Why did she hang up so abruptly? And why was she so vague?
Now that she thinks of it, Mackenzie sounded saddened or upset over something. It was really bothering Maya.
Her idol, in distress.
Maya leaves the bathroom and goes back into her bedroom where Regina was watching TV. She had been watching a lot of Emmerdale, and was absolutely enthralled with it.

'Regina, get dressed. We're going to Mackenzie's house.'
'What? Why?'
'I..don't know.. but she seemed really stressed out.'
'Well.. let's not waste any time.'

10 minutes later and the girls had rushed out, without eating breakfast mind you, and rushed over to Natalie's home.
'She's probably not answering because she's not awake yet, it's only 8am.'
'Hope you're right..'
Regina had concern in her voice, which only concerned Maya more.
Maya walked to the door confidently, and knocks on the door.
A little while of waiting and a few more knocks later, there was the sound of movement inside, and the door was slowly unlocked.
Maya was greeted with Natalie's Grandma.
'You two are up early.. is something wrong?'
We need to speak to Natalie.. it's extremely important' Regina suddenly perked up.
'She's asleep right now.. but I'll wake her up. Would you sweethearts like some tea?'
'Yes please' the two girls said in unison.
Regina was still really wanting to try tea, hence why her reaction was so quick.

'Something is bothering you two. I can tell.'
'It's about our friend.. Mackenzie. She called me telling me to just go to her house and to bring both Regina and Natalie..'
'There's more to that story isn't there?'
'Well.. her voice was what really bothered me. It was full of fear and sadness.'
'I see.. ah here's the sleepyhead.'
Natalie opened her door, dressed in her usual outfit. She rubbed her eyes and looked confused at the sight of her 'sister', Regina and her best friend, Maya.

'What are you two doing here this early..?'
'Mackenzie has been trying to contact you.. we need to go to her place about something. It's fairly urgent..'
Natalie could hear the distress and worry in Maya's voice. It was really off-putting to hear Maya sound so worried.
'Give me 5 minutes and I'll head out with you.. okay? Are the other girls already there?'
'I'd.. assume so.'

Nearly 10 minutes pass and Natalie was properly dressed. The three girls wave goodbye to Natalie's grandma, and head down the street to Mackenzie's house.

They were greeted by Davi, Mackenzie's pixie that had a human disguise. How on Earth could she do that? Maya would have to ask her one day.
'Hey girls.. come on in..'
Maya sensed the glumness in the air. Something was extremely wrong.

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