29 - Zero Point

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Maya looks to the girls, then back to the bay. She notices a large spark of electricity at the city centre.
A large shadowy figure then slowly rises from the sea.
Everyone's eyes widen.
"What is that thing?!" Regina shouts.
"I don't know! But we're gonna find out!" Maya retorts.
"I think it's Glitter Time don't you think?" Says a strange voice. Maya looks up to see a young man in some armour.
"Who are you?" Maya asks.
"Folks call me J. I'm not from this realm. Someone in your world has opened a rift to destroy all of reality, and the Zero Point is going out of control because of it."

J had red hair, with gold and silver armour. It was evidently futuristic as he had thrusters on his back and ankles.
The girls transform into their Glitter Warrior forms.
"Maya, Natalie, Regina, come with me. We'll stop ol' beastie over there. Clara, you will go with Rachel and Mackenzie to stabilise the Zero Point, before things get too out of hand."
The girls nod.
"Roll out!" Maya shouts.

J, Maya, Regina and Natalie fly to the monster that was lumbering towards the city.
Clara meets with Rachel and Mackenzie.
"I think the Zero Point is under here!" Clara shouts.
"What are we looking for exactly?!" Mackenzie retorts.
The girls are knocked back. The ground crumbles beneath them and the buildings in the vicinity dissolve into dust. A giant orb floats into the sky, before fracturing.
"That's what we've gotta stabilise.."
"This is gonna be more difficult than King Mercanere!"

"Get ready girls. This is gonna be tough!" J shouts. He draws a long sword, foreign writing etched into it.

The monster, that looked a lot like a golden hydra, growls.
It's necks started to pulse a vibrant yellow and it fires a yellow electricity beam at the group.
J's shield blocks the attack, protecting the girls.
"We've gotta use everything at our disposal!" Shouts Glitter Heart.
The Spear of Light forms from Regina's hands. Glitter Ace charges her Ace Shot.

Everyone uses their attacks on the Hydra. It staggers back and roars in range. The Hydra looks to its wings and flies into the air, knocking everyone back.
They all land safely on the sidewalk overlooking the beach. A storm begins to form around the Hydra.

"He's here for the Zero Point." J quietly says. Glitter Heart looks at him and narrows her eyes. Johan appears behind Regina and stabs her with a spear of his own.
Regina screams in silence.
Glitter Ace turns around and her eyes widen.
"Regina! No!"
Glitter Heart spots what's happening and cries out.
She kicks Johan through a wall and takes the spear out of Regina. She gently holds her.
"You're going to be okay baby... okay...? You're gonna be okay...!"
Heart starts to sob. Regina gently cups her cheek and smiles, tears streaming down her face.
"Y-you can't save me... not this time.... s-save the universe... save all of reality.... the world's counting on you... I love you..."
Glitter Heart starts to sob more.
"Don't give up! Please...! Please I need you..! You are my universe...! I can't go on without you...!"
Regina's grip on Maya's hand loosens. The light from her eyes fade. One last tear falls down her face.
She was gone...

Glitter Heart gently lays down Regina and kisses her forehead.
"I—I'm sorry I couldn't save her—!" She cries while looking up at Glitter Ace. She loses her balance and collapses.
"Oh it hurts... I can't hear it....! Regina... oh I'm so sorry..."
J gently puts his hand on Maya's shoulder.
"You'll see her again... but not if we can't stabilise the Zero Point and stop the Hydra.." he says softly.
Heart looks at him and shakes her head.
"Regina's dead... I failed to protect her..." she says through her tears.
"Glitter Heart... get up...."

Glitter Heart slowly stands up.
A sword forms in her hand.
She stares down Johan and charges at him. She slashes him in the arm and stabs him in the leg.
"That's for killing Sebastian!"
She drives her sword through Johan's chest. She makes eye contact with him. He could see the fury in her eyes. Only now had he realised, he messed with the wrong person.
"This, is for killing Regina. The love of my life. The light at the end of the tunnel! The most amazing person I've ever met!" Glitter Heart shouts as she drives the sword down his body, cutting him in half. He slumps to the floor, dead.

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