26 - Darkest Hour

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Natalie spits up some blood, alarming her.
"I think.. I should.. rest for a bit..." she says breathlessly. She had been running for several kilometres without pause. She felt guilty for not being there to save Sebastian.
Natalie slowly walks to a bench and sits down, grabbing her bottle of water from her bag.

Maya spots her small, brunette friend and walks over to her.
"Hey Nat..." She says quietly. Natalie looks at her and smiles a little. Maya sits next to her and hugs her.
"Natalie... don't exert yourself... okay..?"
Natalie nods to her friend and sighs.
"I can't help but feel responsible. I could've gotten there so much faster..."
"Natalie I don't think any of us could've gotten there in time.. and I think we all feel responsible..." Maya says softly. Natalie nods her head again and looks up at her.

"Maya... I just want to say... in the time I've known you... you've been an inspiration to me, you've made me into what I am today. I thank you for that... you made me reconnect with my sister.. only someone as awesome as you has the ability to do that.."
Maya turns to see her friend looking at her with big, sad eyes.
"I'm glad I helped you to open up.. you've always been an amazing friend, Natalie.. you're the most determined, the strongest of us all.."
Natalie smiles a little and shakes her head.
"Thanks Maya... but... I'm not the strongest, nor am I the most determined.. you are."

Maya's eyes widen a little and she smiles.
Natalie is contemplating something.
'Now might be my only chance... sorry sis if you can hear my thoughts right now..'
'Go for it..' says a voice in her head. Natalie looks towards Maya again and kisses her. Maya's eyes widen and she loses her composure. She wraps her arms around the shorter girl's body and slowly breaks the kiss.
Natalie looks to the floor, blushing intensely.
"Guess Rachel was right..." Maya says, chuckling.
Natalie looks up at Maya, seeing she's also blushing.
"That I loved you..? Hard not to... put us in an arena and—!"
Maya cuts her off.
"Rachel said that too.. you'd all kill each other fighting over me.. makes me a little guilty looking back on it.."

Maya and Natalie head to the Pig Tail to get some dinner.
Maya opens the door to see Regina laying out three plates.
"Hey honey, hey sis. I got the sense you were both hungry." She says with a smile on her face. She looks to Natalie and winks, causing her to blush.
Maya notices the action Regina pulled and narrows her eyes slightly.
"I already know, Maya.. I'm what pushed Natalie to do it."
Maya's eyes widen. This was the fourth time she'd been shocked today, then she remembers that Natalie and Regina were essentially the same people.

The girls sit at the table as Regina puts some dinner on the plate.
"Eat it while it's hot!" Regina exclaims, chuckling a little.
"Regina, why did you let me kiss your girlfriend?" Natalie asks gently, a faint blush forming on her cheeks.
"I think we all need a way to get better... it's no secret Maya has also done the same thing to Rachel and Clara.. I think kissing Maya is more motivating than hugging her." Regina retorts. Maya looks to her plate awkwardly.
"But... aren't I cheating...?" She asks.
"Not if it's with any of the Glitter Force..." Regina says with a smile.

Regina's phone buzzes. She looks to see Mackenzie had messaged her.
'Distain. City centre.'
"Girls, dinner's gonna have to wait. A Distain has appeared in the city centre. The others are already en-route."
Maya and Natalie get out of their seats and rush out the door with Regina.

"Gosh this one is kicking our asses like the last time!" Glitter Spade shouts.
"No wonder! The Mercanere doing it strangely enough wants to kick our ass!" Glitter Diamond retorts.
"We've gotta combine our attacks!" Glitter Clover shouts to the team. Anger flared within her at the sheer presence of Johan.
"Girls come on calm down. Just lie down and sleep it'll be over soon!" Johan shouts with a sinister grin.

"Not if we can help it!" Glitter Heart shouts as she kicks Johan in the face.
The girls smile seeing their friends arrive.
"Here comes the cavalry!" Glitter Ace shouts as she punches the Distain to the ground.

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