25 - Grievances

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Clara sighs deeply. Sebastian looks to her with sad eyes. He hated seeing Clara in this state.
"Miss Clara, is everything alright?" He asks with a calm expression, however he knew that Clara could read him extremely well, as he's the person she puts her faith in most.

Clara looks at her butler and smiles.
"It's nothing too serious Sebastian. Maya just sent me a message saying she's coming over in an hour or so, mainly to apologise. I don't know why she wants to apologise... she's my best friend and she's done nothing wrong."
Sebastian raises his eyebrow and and is going to say something when there's a knock at the door.
"I'll get that." He says, smiling a little. Clara had told him to be himself, rather than trying to be a butler, essentially meaning 'smile more'.

Clara sighs once more and drinks a little bit of tea and starts writing. She had to fill out a form as a new building was to be constructed in her name.
Sebastian re-enters the room two minutes later.
"Miss Clara, your friend is here for tea."

Clara walks to the front door to find Maya staring at the ground. Upon seeing her, Clara's heart lights up a little.
"Hello, Maya!" She says in her usual, cheery voice. Maya smiles at her warmly.
"Hey Clara.."

Maya sits down in her seat outside. Sebastian lays some tea down on the table. They were overlooking a beautiful-looking river.
Clara reads Maya's eyes, then looks up to Sebastian.
"Sebastian, you can go and relax for a while. You've earned it."
Sebastian bows his head to Clara and heads back to the house.

Maya takes a deep breath.
"Clara.. you've been there for me for so many years, and I feel like I've only pushed you to the side. You've always been the one to take the bullet. I just want to say I'm sorry for being a poor excuse of a friend..."

Clara tilts her head to the side and looks at Maya with a sad smile.
"Maya.. you could never be a bad friend. You're an amazing one. No matter what I'll always take the bullet that was meant for you..."
Maya smiles faintly.
"Rachel told me yesterday you liked me..." Maya says quietly.
Clara's eyes widen and she almost spits out her tea. She manages to regain her composure.
"Why wouldn't I like you, Maya? You're my best friend."
"I meant love.. I also sense your heart rate increase whenever I'm around... same for the rest of the girls.."

Clara looks down for a moment, trying to think of what to say.
"Yes... I do love you. It's hard not to... and I admit I get jealous of Regina because she has you... I think I can safely say that applies for Rachel, Mackenzie and Natalie... when Natalie told me I was fairly surprised." Says Clara calmly.

"Well... I love you too, Clara. I have for years.. ever since I met you that day back in elementary school and I climbed your fence so I could catch a butterfly.. I thought you were amazing... and then when you defended me and Rachel... my love for you only grew stronger.. I'm sorry for ever pushing you to the side..." Maya says as a tear rubs down her cheek.
Clara completely loses her composure. Seeing Maya cry in front of her always broke her heart.
She gets out of her seat and pulls Maya to her feet, then pulls her into a tight embrace.

"Thank you for being my friend, Maya.. I'll have never made it this far without you, I don't think.."
Maya takes a deep breath and makes eye contact with Clara. She closes her eyes and presses her lips against Clara's.
Clara's eyes widen in surprise.
'Why is Maya kissing me?! Isn't this wrong? But it's such an amazing kiss..'
Clara slowly kisses Maya back.
'Her lips are more tender than any of the other girls... I'm not too sure on Natalie actually.' Maya thinks to herself. They break the kiss and look at each other, both of them blushing intensely.

Sebastian rushes to them.
"Miss Clara, Miss Maya. A Distain has appeared. The other girls are already there."
Clara and Maya look at each other and nod.
"Could you drive us there?" Says Clara.
Sebastian nods.

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