19 - The Break-Up

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[Quick disclaimer: this chapter features self-harm. Know that there's people there for you. Talk to somebody. Please don't hurt yourself.]

Maya made her way to the park, and sits down on a bench. Regina appears five minutes later.
"Hey Maya..."
"You aren't calling me by my usual pet names... have I done something..?"
Regina closes her eyes and breathes in deeply.
"Maya.. I'm breaking up with you..."
Maya's heart shatters into millions of pieces.

"W—why—?! I—I thought we were—!"
Regina puts a finger to her lips. Tears stream down Maya's face. This was the worst thing Regina could do right now, but it had to be done.
"It's for your own good Maya... I don't want you constantly getting into trouble over me... your grades have started to dip.. you got into a fight last week! All because of me... I can't have that... you're better off without me Maya... trust me... this hurts me more than it hurts you..."

Maya completely breaks down. Tears stream down Regina's cheeks.
"H-hey... it's okay... we can still be friends..."
She tries to put her hand on Maya's shoulder to reassure her. Maya slaps her hand away.
Maya stands up and runs off. She opens the front door to her house and runs to her room without a word and she slams the door shut, making sure to lock it.

Guilt punches Regina in the gut. What had she done!?
'Regina come on! She's in no fit state for this... you've probably just caused her death.'
She shakes her thoughts away and calls Rachel.
"Hey Rach... I um... I broke up with Maya..."
"What?! Why?!"
"It's for her own good... her grades were slipping. She got into a fight over me! I've probably just caused her fricking death... she's in no state to handle what I just did..."
"I understand... I'm going to go see her..."
Rachel ends the call.

Rachel opens the door to Maya's house. Mr and Mrs Aida were cringing but had an extremely sad and worried expression on her face.
"Rachel...? What's up with Maya?"
It was Rachel's turn to cringe as she hears Maya scream and sob violently.
"Regina broke up with her... she said it's for the best... her grades were slipping... plus Maya had gotten into that fight... now Regina feels extreme guilt over it..."

Mrs Aida nods slowly.
Rachel makes her way upstairs to Maya's room and tries to open the door. It was locked.
"Maya...? Please can you open the door..?"
"Go away Rachel... I don't... want... anything..."
She hears the hissing of air between sobs.
This was going to hurt but she had no choice.
Rachel charges into the door, breaking the lock.

Maya was curled up in a ball in the center of the room. Clumps of hair surrounded her, along with the remnants of her bandages.
There were fresh cuts on Maya's arm. Rachel starts to cry at the sight.
The pain Maya was going through destroyed her inside.
Rachel gently takes away the box cutter and puts it in her pocket. She gently pulls Maya into her arms and holds her. Maya cries intensely until she began to vomit, and even then she still cried.

"W—Why—? I-I were happy—! Why do I—Why do I lose everything I love—?! Why did she—?"
Maya looks into Rachel's eyes, emotionlessly. A sight that shook even her.
"Stop thinking harshly of yourself... it wasn't your fault..."
"Nothing ever is. You can go now."
Maya gets off of Rachel and sits in the windowsill. Luckily, unless she threw herself through the window, she wouldn't be able to jump out.
Rachel hesitantly leaves and Mr Aida walks in. He places dinner on her desk.
"You know... you can al—."
"Go away dad. I just want to be alone."
Mr Aida nods slowly and sighs. He leaves the room and closes the door gently.

Maya stares at her food. She wasn't hungry. She didn't want to eat. She scapes the food into her bin and leaves the plate on the desk.

Natalie hugs Regina.
"Hey.. it's okay sis. I'm sure she'll go back to being regular old Maya within no time.."
Regina narrows her eyes.
"You would not be saying that if you were there."
The phone rings. Natalie picks it up.
"Natalie..?" Rachel seemed distraught.
"Give the phone to Regina..."
Natalie hesitantly gives Regina the phone.

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