8 - Lovesick

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Panic hit Regina hard. She was holding Maya's hand and had her head in her lap. Maya was being rushed to the hospital. Whatever happened must be because of her brain trauma. It could be related to stress?

Regina could only think about one thing. Maya. She didn't want to lose the girl that saved her. Not now, not ever.

'How's she feeling?'
Maya's mother turns around to look at them, worry was etched onto her face.
'I think she has a fever, her head is burning.. and she's sweating.'
Rachel feels Maya's forehead for confirmation.

Mackenzie hadn't said a word, but she was definitely concerned.
Clara held Maya by the waist.

Nobody however seemed more panicked then Regina and Maya's father. The two people Maya was closest with.

Maya is rushed into the emergency room. Her mom explains the situation to the doctor at the front desk.


A week had passed. Regina hadn't bothered speaking to anyone after the situation that had happened with Maya.

Not waking up to a kiss from Maya was heartbreaking. Not seeing her beautiful smile broke her inside.
Kippie floats up to her blonde friend.

'Regina.. you've gotta eat something.. for Maya.. I know she's back in hospital.. but she's going to be okay. She's Glitter Heart..'
Regina looks at Kippie sadly and sniffles.
'Kippie.. are you sure..?'
'Of course I am Regina. Maya will stay strong just for you.. and her closest friends like me..'
Regina smiles a little and hugs Kippie.
Mackenzie opens the door and climbs the step ladder to Maya and Regina's bed.

'Hey.. mind if I sit with you for a bit?'
'Sure.. I don't mind..'
Regina moves her back so she was against the wall and gives a pillow to Mackenzie so she could do the same without hurting herself.

'How you feeling..?'
'Awful.. like it's my fault..'
'I feel the same way.. but it's not our fault. Maya will be okay.. I know it.'
'I hope so.. I'm glad you're here Mackenzie.. and Kippie..'
Mackenzie smiles and pulls Regina into a hug.
'Now come on.. eat..'
Mackenzie puts the plate next to Regina and climbs down the ladder, but doesn't leave. She goes over to Maya's radio and puts on some music, then climbs back up the ladder and sits with Regina.

The two girls gossip and laugh together for hours. Mackenzie was glad she put Regina in a better mood. She then falls asleep next to Regina. A cute sight to see.
'Goodnight Mackenzie...'
Regina looks at the sleeping pop star and smiles. This was Maya's idol. She was sleeping next to her.
It wasn't cheating was it..? Sleeping next to someone that isn't your loved one. Mackenzie admitted to loving Maya in that way to her too. It made Regina feel a little jealous but it wouldn't bother her, and she knew it wouldn't bother Mackenzie.

Morning arrived.
Clara wakes up at the same time she usually does and gets dressed. She didn't have many outfits to choose from so she goes with a red blouse, a big contrast to her orange/ green outfit she usually wears.
She thought it would be nice to let her hair down. With it up in her usual buns, you wouldn't be able to tell she has long hair at all, but she does.

Her mind shifts over to Maya. She was currently in intensive care. She shouldn't have exerted herself that day.. the episodes were becoming more and more frequent, until a week ago. Before then she'd frequently go unconscious and wake up a few hours later with a slight headache.
What happened last week though— thinking about it made Clara's blood run cold.
After being rushed into the emergency room, she had woken up and started having an episode. She was hallucinating and having a mental breakdown. That's what caused Regina to lock herself in Maya's room for a week.
'I hope she's doing okay.. I hope Regina is okay too..'

Mackenzie wakes up to see Regina sleeping soundly next to her. She smiles and embraces her and gently plants a kiss on her forehead. Realising what she did she panics a little and quietly climbs down the ladder and leaves the room.
Regina wakes up not long after. She felt the warm embrace from Mackenzie, and felt a gentle kiss on her forehead. Then she felt the shuffling from Mackenzie and heard her leave the room. She wouldn't bring it up with her. For her sake.

She gets herself out of bed and hesitates at the door. She hadn't seen anybody for a week except for Mackenzie and Kippie.
Regina opens the door slowly and walks downstairs.

Maya's parents were making breakfast, Mackenzie was at the table being unusually quiet.
Regina decides to sit next to her, making Mackenzie feel shy.
'Mackenzie you can be cute.. it's funny.. thanks for the hug and forehead kiss... it made me feel a lot better..'
Mackenzie blushes a deep red and looks at Regina almost mortified.
'Y-you— knew—? W-why— why weren't you mad—?'
Regina hugs her.
'Because you wanted to make me feel better.. and you have.'
Mackenzie starts to smile and slowly hugs her back.

'Good morning Regina.. you feeling okay..?'
Maya's mother sits at the table and smiles sweetly. Regina could see right through her. She was just as worried as herself.

'I'm.. fine.. Mackenzie helped a lot yesterday...'
'Good.. we're going to see Maya today.. want to come with?'
Regina thinks to herself for a moment. She looks towards Mackenzie and smiles a little then looks back up at Maya's mom.
'I do.. how's she feeling?'
'She's been put on strong medication.. she's going to be okay..'
Regina sighs a little in relief. All she wanted now was Maya's loving embrace.

Mackenzie suddenly perks up.
'Can I come too? I've also.. been worrying..'
Regina smiles and then goes upstairs to get dressed.

There's a knock at the door.
Maya had been in hospital for over a week now.
Over that period of time Maya had done nothing but worry for Regina and her friends.
She slowly sits up in her bed.
'Uh- come in—!'
The door opens slowly, and she sees her familiar magenta-haired friend peek around the corner. Her parents also come from around the corner.
'Mom—? Dad?'
They smile sweetly at her and come close to her. Mackenzie walks in next.

Regina puts her back against the wall and braces herself. She feels her heart.
With one last sigh she turns the corner and walks through the door.

Maya spots the signature red bow and beautiful blonde hair. Regina stands shyly at the edge of her bed.
Maya jumps up out of her bed and pulls Regina into a hug.
'H-hey—! I missed you Maya! Are you okay..?'
'Of course Regina.. I'm feeling a lot better now you're here...'
Mackenzie smiles at the couple and looks towards Kippie who has transformed into a young girl that looked quite like Maya but with her alter ego, Glitter Spade's hair.

'Come here Mackenzie and Kippie... I missed you both too..'
Maya pulls them both into a hug tight hug, eliciting a squeal from Kippie.

Regina sits on the bed next to Maya and rests her head on her shoulder.
'Regina's had a hard time without you.. locked herself in your room for a week straight..'
Maya looks at Regina and looks down a little. She lifts Regina's head and plants a kiss on her lips.
'It-it was Mackenzie and Kippie that made me feel better...'
Mackenzie and Kippie both blush slightly and hug the two girls.

The doctor walks in.
'Alright. She's able to come home with you under strict circumstances. She needs to be monitored at all times, she must take medication every three hours and make sure she gets plenty of water a day. Here's her medication.'
Maya's mom takes the medication out of the doctor's hands and puts it into her bag.

'I'll look after Maya and make sure she does all of that.. is she still able to play outside?'
Regina perks up and grabs Maya's hand and looks towards the doctor.
'Of course she is, and she's still about to go to school. However, as I said, she must not leave your sight.'
Regina beams at Maya and pulls her into an embrace.

'One more thing. You're Glitter Heart right?'
The doctor looks towards Maya.
'Yeah.. I am..'
Maya looks up confused.
'Be careful okay? Try not to get yourself hurt. I know you nearly died when that six-armed thing showed up.'
The doctor grabs Maya's Glitter Charm from the counter and puts it on her bow.

Regina helps Maya get into the car and kisses her cheek.
Maybe things were finally looking up for her.
Maybe for Maya too.

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