9 - There for you

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Mackenzie, Regina and Kippie help Maya out of the car. They would do their best to protect her.
'You alright Maya?'
Mackenzie looks towards Maya, looking her up and down.
'I'm alright.. just a bit tired.. and hungry.'
'Tell us something we don't know..'
Regina blurts out and giggles to herself. The other girls join in.

Regina puts Maya into her bed and gently lies her down. Mackenzie shyly stands in the doorway.
'You can come in Mackenzie.. nothing stopping you is there..?'
Regina motions Mackenzie in and pats a spot on the bed next to her.
Mackenzie sits down awkwardly.
Regina pulls Mackenzie into an embrace and smiles.
Kippie opens the door and sets some food onto the bed. Mackenzie helps Maya up so she can eat and smiles warmly at her.

Maya must still be over the moon about having her idol as her best friend.
When the two girls first met Mackenzie treated Maya with such unfriendliness. Now, she had opened up. And she was glad to have Maya in her life. A girl she loved. She didn't want to hurt Regina though by butting into the relationship.
Speaking of Regina, Mackenzie also had a soft spot for her. Maybe more then Maya now that she thought of it.
Regina was almost as bubbly as Maya, she had beautiful blonde hair with gorgeous baby blue eyes. And her soft snores when she sleeps is just adorable.
'..Mackenzie? Hellooo? Earth to Mackenzie.'
She's snapped out of her trance. Snap. Looked like Regina had noticed she spaced out while staring at her.
'Huh— Oh- sorry—!'
'It's alright.. you feeling okay?'
'I'm alright— just spaced out a little ahaha—!'
Regina looks at Mackenzie concerned a little and sits her down properly.
'I were talking about if you wanted to go get ice cream.. Maya fell asleep eating her dinner..'
Mackenzie looks over to Maya. Sure enough she was snoring softly holding a half eaten sandwich.
She gently grabs the sandwich and puts it on a plate and sets it off to the side. She knew Maya would essentially devour the thing once she woke up.

Mackenzie and Regina pass by shops and crowds of people. They walk over a small bridge over a river.
After reaching the ice cream store, they order ice cream cones for themselves.
'Maya likes lemon sherbet doesn't she?'
Regina looks towards Mackenzie.
'Uh- yeah. No idea why.. too sour in my opinion. I love strawberry.'
Mackenzie suddenly spots Clara and Rachel walking past them, oblivious to their presence.

'Clara! Rachel!'
Regina calls over to the two girls.
'Huh?' Both girls turn around and spot Regina and Mackenzie.
'Oh hey girls! How are you both? Not seen you in a while.'
Rachel and Clara approach them and they exchange hugs.
'We're alright. Just getting some ice cream. Want to come and see Maya?'
Mackenzie looks at both the girls.

'Of course! We didn't even know she was home.'
Clara smiles sweetly and orders an ice cream.
'Yeah.. is she okay? We've both been worried sick about her.'
'She's alright.. she'd only just fallen asleep when we left to get ice cream.'

After gossiping the girls head over to Maya's house.
The familiar smell of food fills the air. Kippie was setting out plates at the table while Maya's father and her grandad were cooking.
They hear Maya's door upstairs open and a short while later, Maya comes down the stairs.
Maya was almost completely oblivious to the girls standing there.
'Hey Maya.. how've you been?'
Clara approaches Maya.
'Huh—? Clara? Hey.. I'm.. okay..'
'We've missed you.'
Clara gently pulls Maya into a hug and smiles.

Regina hands Maya a lemon sherbet ice cream.
'Take it easy okay Maya? Brain freeze might be dangerous for you.'
Regina embraces Maya and makes sure she eats her ice cream slowly.

Maya's mom walks into the dining room.
'Maya sweetie, it's time for your medication.'
She motions her daughter over and holds up a capsule.

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