28 - The Prelude

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Mackenzie sighs as she drinks her coffee on her balcony. Davi stands with her.
"Everything alright, Mackenzie?"
Mackenzie nods her head.
"Just thinking about this last week... We've lost so much yet gained things in the process.. Clara and Natalie are dating now, something that's made her feel so much better after losing Sebastian.. we very nearly lost Regina... and there's a chance we could've lost Maya.. she's having to take therapy sessions starting next week because somehow that video of her self-harming in the other dimension got leaked..."

Davi sighs and hugs her friend.
"It's been a very long week.. hopefully things start to look up."
Mackenzie looks to Davi and nods.
"I hope so too.. I'm just hoping Maya's okay... I love her... and seeing those cuts and that video where she's being humiliated... that broke me. I could tell you seemed distraught too. I couldn't finish it I had to run to the bathroom to vomit."

Davi nods and sighs.
"It only got worse after you left... that's all I'll say.."
Mackenzie nods and finishes her coffee. She yawns.
"I think I'll head to bed... I've not had any time to rest."

Mackenzie hears a knock at the door. A moment later, Davi gently opens her bedroom door.
"Good morning, Mackenzie.. Maya's here.."
Mackenzie suddenly sits up. A wave of dizziness hits her as she had gotten up too quickly.
"Give me a minute... I'll be out then."
Davi nods and leaves the room. Mackenzie gets changed and brushes her hair and greets her friend at the door.

"Hey Maya." Says Mackenzie and she shifts to the side to let Maya in.
"You look like you've just woken up.." Maya retorts with a slight chuckle.
Mackenzie smiles and nods at her.
"You wouldn't be wrong. Do you need something?"

Maya brushes Mackenzie's shoulder and pulls her into an embrace.
"My best friend..." Maya says softly. Mackenzie's eyes widen and she gratefully hugs Maya back.
"I also want to talk to you.. about what's been going on.."
Mackenzie sits down and Maya follows. She looks at Maya's wounds. It hurt to see them.
"I suppose you saw that video..? Of me..?"

"I couldn't finish it..." Mackenzie responds. "I had to throw up from what I was seeing... it hurt so much seeing you in that state... being forced to cut and then kill yourself on a video..."
Maya looks down. Mackenzie pulls her into her arms.
"It's torture because you're my best friend.. not only that... I love you... so seeing you in a state like that... I couldn't take it..."

Maya looks up at Mackenzie and smiles sadly when a few drops of her tears fall on her face. She leans forward and kisses her.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that..." Maya says quietly.
Mackenzie holds Maya tighter.
"I'm glad I made friends with you..."
"Me too... now can you sign my autograph it's been a year since you said you would.."
Mackenzie starts to laugh and grabs a copy of her album and writes her name on it.
"Here you go... just because you're Maya Aida.."
Maya smiles and takes the casing.

The two girls talk for a while and eat lunch together. There's a sudden loud knock at the door.
Davi opens the door.
"Are you the manager of Mackenzie Mack?" Says a fairly gruff voice.
Mackenzie walks to the door.
"Hello Mackenzie. I'm officer Brandon. You've been identified as one of the girls on that recording. I would like to ask you some questions. May I come in?"
Mackenzie nods anxiously. She sits down next to Maya and takes her hand.
Brandon sits on a chair and gets out a notepad and pen.
"You're Maya Aida right? Any reason as to why you're here?" Questions the Officer.
Maya nods her head.

"Yes I'm Maya Aida... the reason why I'm here is because Mackenzie is my best friend.. I'm better suited for these questions.. not Mackenzie..."
Officer Brandon raises his eyebrow and nods.
"But Mackenzie was there at the scene of the crime."
"That recording came from an alternate reality.. don't believe me? Look at the rift in the sky. Me and Mackenzie are members of the Glitter Force. We were fighting an enemy but I got sent to that alternate universe. I don't know how the recording got here but it did. Mackenzie told me the video was unbearable and she had to go to the bathroom to vomit." Says Maya with confidence.

Brandon nods and writes in his notepad.
"I see. So which member are you? And to make me believe you can you transform?"
"This has to be confidential from now on then. I'm Glitter Heart, Mackenzie is Glitter Spade. She can transform I can't because I don't have my partner with me."
Brandon nods.

"Alright girls... I'll take your word for it. How are your injuries, Maya?" Brandon asks with sympathy.
"They hurt if I exert myself... but they're fine."

Half an hour of talking and recapping later, Officer Brandon leaves.
Maya and Mackenzie sigh in relief.

Regina puts her head on the desk and sighs. She had been looking through social media and was disgusted when she saw some disgusting degenerates had been ridiculing and making fun of Maya.
'Oh my poor baby... hopefully nobody mocks you at school.. or I'll lose it.'
Maya opens the door to her bedroom and wraps her arms around Regina.
"Hey baby..." she says softly. Regina looks at her sadly and smiles.
"What's wrong..?" Maya asks.
Regina shakes her head.
"I just... saw that video... BRB..."
Regina runs out of the room and into the bathroom.

Maya cringes at the sound of vomiting and sobbing.
Regina returns ten minutes later and embraces Maya tightly.
"Can I see your arms..?" She asks quietly.
Maya hesitantly rolls up her sleeves.
Regina lifts Maya's arms and kisses them.
"Do they hurt..?" She asks quietly.
Maya nods her head.
"Let's make sure they don't get infected..." Regina says quietly as she gets some bandages and rubbing alcohol.

Maya blushes a little at how much Regina was caring for her, then she started to feel guilty.
"I'm... not a burden am I..?"
Regina looks up to Maya and shakes her head.
"You'll never be a burden.. I'm happy to help you, Maya. I love you."

Once Regina had wrapped Maya's arms in bandages, she gets to her feet and kisses her softly.
"Wanna go out..? Get some coffee, maybe go on a scenic walk?" She asks.
Maya hesitantly agrees.

"I'm thinking of cutting my hair short, maybe shaving the side." Regina admits to Maya. Maya looks at her and raises her eyebrow.
"Why would you want to cut that smashing head of hair?" Maya retorts.
"For starters it's not good when you're going to the bathroom, it gets in the way. Secondly, I've been getting into Spider-Man and I found out that Spider-Gwen exists so I kinda wanna cosplay as her."
Maya smiles and kisses her girlfriend's cheek.
"You and your cosplaying..." Maya chuckles a little. "You can cut your hair if you want. It won't stop me from loving the woman under it."

The girls start walking up a hill. They wanted to get a good view of Sea Shell Bay.
"Beautiful isn't it..?" Maya glances to Regina and smiles.
"Yeah.. it's hella beautiful. Not as beautiful as you though." Regina smiles towards Maya and runs her hand down her back.
"Watch it, you. We're in public.." Maya says sternly. Regina pouts and kisses her.
"I can do that though."

At the top of the hill, Maya notices Clara and Natalie looking out to the bay.
"Hey girls!" Maya shouts. Natalie turns around, startled. Maya pulls her into a tight hug while Regina hugs Clara, then they swap.
"I didn't expect to see you here.." Clara says quietly.
"Same can be said for you two.." Regina retorts.
"What are you doing up here then?" Maya asks.
"Just enjoying the view. We've really gotta get rid of that rift though.. Before it causes all of reality to collapse." Natalie comments.
The girls all look to the rift and nod.

Rachel looks to the rift, attempting to figure out what it is.
"Rachel? You've been there for three hours now." Says Rory, her blue pixie friend.
"Sorry Rory. Just trying to figure out what this rift is. Johan opened it. He supposedly did back in Kyoto a few months ago."
Rory looks to the TV in Rachel's room.
"Breaking news, fifteen minutes ago something crashed into the sea just outside of Sea Shell Bay. Stay clear of beaches. The water temperature has risen to a staggering 200 Degrees Celsius."

"Rachel are you hearing this?" Rory asks.
Rachel turns and nods.
"Tell the girls. We've gotta prepare for this. We can't be late."


(December 25th 2020)

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