4 - Battle at Snowcap Mountain

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Regina put on Maya's winter clothing. The smell of her lingering on her clothing. It put her at peace.

Morning arrived. It was a rough night for everyone. Mackenzie could barely sleep.
Sebastian was sat with Johnny, drinking a cup of tea. He had only just woken up, and hadn't noticed Regina had left.
'Wait.. Sebastian where's Regina?'
'I thought she was sleeping upstairs sir.'
'She was sleeping on the couch—..'
Johnny notices a note from Regina on the armrest of the couch. The note read: 'gone to Snowcap Mountain. Do not follow.'
'Oh no.. Regina is walking right into a trap! And she's not in any fit state to even fight!'
Johnny was seriously distressed.
Mackenzie was awake and could hear the situation downstairs. The worst that could possibly happen is happening. Regina has left to fight the Mercaneres, in hopes of getting Maya back.

'I didn't really think you'd show up. You've got serious guts.' Bel was sat atop a rock.
'Oh yeah..? Well I've got a score to settle. You. Took. My. Maya.'
With those words Regina lunged at Bel, with such determination she was easily overpowering Bel.
Out of nowhere Regina is kicked in the face, knocking her into a rock.

'You take on one of us you take on all of us!'
Marmo. Ira. They had joined the fight to assist Bel.
Regina was not going to give up so easily. However she was unable to transform because Davi wasn't with her.
She had to win this on her own, or she would lose Maya forever.

'Is the survival of the Mercanares not worth a single Glitter Force heart?'
The Mercanares only wanted to ensure the survival of their race. But they went too far the moment they hurt Maya. Regina would have no mercy.

'You'll never stop at one...' Regina slowly gets up, spitting up a bit of blood.
'I'll take you all on!'

'Dear God.. we've gotta help her! Now!!'
Mackenzie and the girls transform with Johnny and climb to the summit, where Regina was fighting.

'What are you.. doing he— grahhh-!'
Regina gets stabbed in the shoulder and tossed to the side by Bel.
'We're getting Maya back.' Glitter Spade stares down Bel while Clara moves Regina behind them.
'A staring contest won't bring her back.'
'No but this will!' Glitter Ace fires an Ace shot at Bel, causing him to go down almost immediately. The girls then use a togetherness power arrow to finish him off.
'You know what- you can just have her back!'
Ira and Marmo retreat.

Regina awakens in Maya's bed. There door opens slowly.
'..it's Mackenzie.. how.. are you feeling..?'
'I-I miss M-Maya...'
'Come on downstairs... If you need help I'll help you down..'
Regina sighs, not wanting to get out of bed. She lost that battle. She lost her chance to save her girlfriend. She lost consciousness after Clara carried her to safety. She feels a sharp pain in her arm.
'You.. were really brave Regina... but that was really stupid... Maya would be devastated if you had gotten seriously hurt..'
'I'm sorry Mackenzie...'
Mackenzie gives Regina a kiss on the forehead and helps her downstairs.

All the girls, Johnny and the King of Splendorious were sat in the living room. Maya's lifeless body was laid out on the table.
Regina felt sick looking at her.
She feels something fly past her and onto Maya. The realisation kicks in. Maya's heart goes back inside her body and heals her up, restoring her.
Regina looks on with slight anticipation and anxiety

Maya's eyes slowly open. For a moment she looks dazed and confused, but her eyes focus on Regina.
'Maya you're back!!'
Regina's eyes light up. She pulls Maya into an embrace and cries. The last 4 days have taken a serious toll on her, but with Maya back, all her problems go away.
'Yeah I'm back alright. How long was I out?'
'Around 4 or 5 days..' says Clara.
'Bel took your heart. Tried using it to take Regina's too. She fought ferociously.' Natalie's comment makes Maya smile slightly, hearing about Regina's bravery.
'She was lost without you.. I'd never seen her in such a state..'
Mackenzie speaks up and stands beside Regina, who was now sheepishly looking down.
'Aww Regina.. you're a softie... my softie..'
With that, Maya gets up and pulls Regina close to her and kisses her firmly on the lips.
Regina looks surprised but returns the kiss, her face now a deep red.
Everyone around them smiles and clap their hands.
'That was adorable!' Rachel had blurted out.

'Maya... I love you.. I want to spend every day with you.. without you I—..'
She cuts herself off. Maya blushes and holds her close and kisses her again, making Regina melt into her arms.
'Yep. I'm happy now..'

Three Weeks Later

Regina walks home from the shop, humming one of Mackenzie's songs. The last three weeks had been fairly uneventful, apart from Maya and Regina going on dates every few days. Regina was on cloud nine. She had been doing a lot better at school too.

'I'm home!' Regina calls out to the rest of the house.
'Hey gorgeous! Did you get everything?'
'Well.. they don't have any eggs until next Saturday.. did you style your hair differently..?'
'I decided to let my hair down for once.. like it?'
'Considering I love everything about you I'd say so..'
Maya giggles at the comment and helps Regina with the shopping bags. Maya's parents had gone out on a vacation on their own as it was their anniversary.
'The girls are coming over today.'
'Sweet! I kinda wanna talk with Mackenzie about something'

Maya starts laying out the table and goes into the kitchen to prepare dinner.
'Need any help?'
'Nah I'm good.. you can put something on the TV if you want..'
Maya was actually also making chocolate for Regina, after all, Valentines was coming up.
'But I wanna help my Maya...'
Maya's heart ached hearing that comment. She was such a sweetheart.
'I know Princess.. but you'd be helping a lot sitting in the living room.. what I'm doing is a surprise..'
Regina frowned and pouted but complied with Maya's request.

Two hours pass and Maya lays out the dinner, as well as putting Regina's chocolates in the fridge to harden.
Natalie, Mackenzie, Clara and Rachel make their way inside, greeting Regina on the way.

'Wow Maya you made all this?' Natalie's stomach rumbles at the sight of the food.
'Yup! Hope you'll like it!'
'Uh.. Regina you know you can come into the kitchen now.. right?'
Rachel giggles slightly seeing Regina's eyes glued to the TV.
'I think Emmerdale is on. You can pause it sweet it'll still be there when you get back!' Maya smiles and sits at the table.
'Oh— I even made some for Sebastian and Johnny. Would you mind giving these to them when you can Clara?'
Maya goes back into the kitchen to get two plates wrapped in foil.
'Sure thing Maya, I will deliver this to Sebastian and Johnny when I leave.'

Maya smiles and sits down next to Regina, holding her hand under the table.
'So.. how are you two lovebirds?' Rachel teases, causing both Maya and Regina to blush.
'We're good.. thinking of something for Valentines..' Maya smiles thinking of her plan for Valentines Day.
'I can only imagine how many people are going to put letters in Mackenzie's locker.' Natalie jokes looking at Mackenzie.

The girls catch up and eat dinner together. A while later and the girls head home, thanking Maya for the dinner. Clara takes the two plates meant for Sebastian and Johnny.

'So.. just us two then?'
'Just us two.' Maya plants a kiss on Regina's cheeks and pulls her into an embrace, kissing her again on the lips. Regina just melts into the hug.
'Maya... you're way too cute.. thank you for making my life better... I really don't deserve all the luxuries you give me...'
'But you do... you deserve every last bit of my love.. I've never felt happier with you..'
'Shoot! I forgot to speak with Mackenzie!'
'If you want I can call her..?'
'No it's fine.. I'll tell her at school tomorrow..'

Maya rushes out of the room to check on the chocolates and puts them into a heart-shaped box, then wraps it with a ribbon. She slowly returns to the living room, holding the box.
'Regina.. since you've made my life a lot better.. I want you to have this.' Maya hands Regina the box.

Regina opens the box slowly after removing the ribbon and her eyes light up.
'Homemade.. and just for you.. I made them with a piece of my heart.. feel the Doki-Doki!'
Regina giggles with Maya after hearing Glitter Heart's catchphrase.
'Thank you Maya.. I love you so much!'
The two kiss once more before watching some movies, Regina enjoying her chocolates and occasionally putting a piece into Maya's mouth.

Marmo watched the girls from a window. The loss of Bel was a critical blow to the Mercaneres, but Marmo didn't care.
'Bel was too weak to take you out for long. However, me and Ira have a plan. A plan to make you truly suffer.'
Marmo laughs and flies off before anybody notices.

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