5 - Valentine Disaster

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Marmo stared at the couple with disgust. In mere hours her plan would come to fruition.

Today was Valentines Day. A day where couples get together and express their love for one another in the most romantic way.
Regina Angelica slowly opened the door to Maya's room. She had been baking cookies overnight to surprise her girlfriend. The smell of smoke lingers.
'Good morning Maya..'
Regina kneels to the bedside and kisses Maya's forehead, then goes over to her Walkman and puts on 'Johnny B. Goode', her favourite song.
'But Reginaaaaaaa... the bed is too com-..'
The smell of freshly baked cookies fills the air, and Maya jolts up.
'Is that.. cookies?!'
'Yep! All for you.. I made them..'
'Is that why I smell burning?'
'U-uh.. would you believe me if I said no..?'
'Definitely not.. what's the damage?'
'U-uhhh... well— I totally didn't burn down half of the kitchen.. and the first batch of cookies totally didn't burn to a crisp... Forgive me..! I'm sorry Maya..'

Maya couldn't be disappointed if she tried. She pulls Regina into an embrace.
'I forgive you if those cookies you made are good..'
Maya moves over to her bedside and picks up a cookie from the plate. They was soft and full of chocolate chips and they were a perfect golden brown. Regina looks at Maya with slight anticipation.
Maya takes a bite out of the cookie. She chews on it for a second, then her eyes light up. The saltiness and sweetness mixed with the chocolate chips blends together perfectly to make a heavenly taste in Maya's mouth.
'You have to try this! You are the greatest cookie maker ever!'

Regina blushes at Maya's comment.
'Happy Valentines Maya..'
'It's Valentines? I completely forgot!'

'Mackenzie you've got an appointment at the studio today!'
Mackenzie slowly gets out of her bed. She's been having a hard time sleeping lately, which leads to a lack of focus when in school and when making music.
'Alright I'm coming..'
'Are you alright Mackenzie? You seem.. drained.'
Davi opens the door to her bedroom and walks over to her.
'It's about Maya and Regina isn't it..?'
'N-no.. why would it be? They're completely fine.'
'I know they are.. but you miss spending time with them.. especially Maya.'
'Y-yes.. I miss Maya and Regina..'
'It's written all over your face. Tell you what, we'll go over to the Pigtail after your rehearsal.'

'Maya it's so cold today.. brrrr....'
Maya nods at her in agreement. They had decided to go to the park as Maya thought it would be romantic to just walk through the park and sit under a tree for a while before going to a restaurant then heading home.
'Here you go..'
Maya hands Regina her coat and puts it on her. Regina could only smile a little. She felt bad because Maya had to give up her warmth for her.

'Don't worry Regina. I deal with the cold quite well. You look so cute in that coat!'

Ira breaks open the door to the Pigtail. This was Maya's and Regina's abode. Marmo had told him the plan. It would be a permanent blow to the Glitter Force. His comrade had gone to search for the couple while he raided the house. Hatchet in hand, he starts swinging at random objects. The TV, pictures, paintings, the dining room table. There was hesitation in his swings. But he had to do it.

Regina sits at the foot of a tree reading manga with Maya. It felt very relaxing actually, listening to the birds chirp and sing and the distant chatter of children and couples.
'This is really good!'
Regina beams at Maya. The manga was about a giant monster defending humanity and the world against other monsters. It was extremely interesting in actuality. The human characters were even well written.

Three hours pass.
Maya and Regina were heading home.
Regina gets a call from Rachel.
'Huh.. Rachel is calling..'
She answers the phone.
'Regina, put Maya on the phone. Now!'
'Okay.. Maya it's for you.. it's very important.'
Maya takes the phone from Regina's hands, and puts the phone to her ear.
'Rachel? Is everything okay?'
'Maya get home.. the Mercaneres have totalled the place!'
Maya stares in shock. She doesn't even realise she's dropped the phone. Her instincts kick in and she runs home in a full sprint.

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