23 - To Save Those You Love

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Maya wakes up in the middle of the night. Something was wrong. Mackenzie was sleeping next to her. She gently frees herself and rushes out of the door.
The streets were empty. Not a person or car in sight. Maya shouldn't be doing this, but she had a hunch something bad is going to happen if she doesn't do anything.
Maya sprinted to her house. She fumbles around in her pocket and finds the back door key.

She unlocks the door and sprints upstairs to her room.
"Regina stop!"
She opens the door to see a sight that shook her to her core.
Regina was stood on Maya's chair. A noose hung from her bedroom light. The fear and sadness on Regina's face brought Maya to tears.
"Get down...!"
Regina shakes her head.
"Regina... sweetie... please... please don't do it..."

Regina starts to sob. Maya closes her door.
"W-why are you here.... I don't want you to see this...."
"Because I love you... Regina... babe... get down...."
"Stop calling me that..... you broke up with me... remember...?"
"Well I take it back... you're mine... and you're only mine..."
"Maya I made your life hell... I ruined it just by being with you... you'll be better off with Mackenzie..."
Maya shakes her head.
"Get down..."

Maya picks Regina up and sits her on the bed. She unties the noose and throws it in the bin.
"You're an idiot...."
"H—How did you—know—?"
"I had the feeling you were going to do something... then in my sleep I saw you kill yourself... I ran here as fast as I could.... nothing could've stopped me from saving you..."
Regina nods her head slowly.
"I forgive you... I forgive you for everything... I accidentally left Teddy at the hospital though..."

Regina smiles slightly at the name Maya had given her bear.
Maya runs her fingers through Regina's hair, causing her to moan softly.
Maya blushes and kisses Regina's forehead then lets Regina sleep on her lap.

Maya wakes up sweating. She had a nightmare where she failed to save Regina. She looks down to see Regina still asleep.
Maya sits up and looks at the cast on her arm, then looks to Regina.
'I'll never let you go again... never ever...'

She gently moves Regina and puts her under the covers and gets some breakfast. She quickly grabs the rope
"Maya? What are you doing here?"
Maya's mom stops her at the top of the stairs.
"I felt like something bad was going to happen to Regina... I came in the nick of time..."
Maya waves the rope in her mom's face.
"O-oh... is she okay...?"
Maya nods.
"I made damn sure of it..."
Mrs Aida smiles at her daughter and hugs her.

Regina wakes up. Did last night really happen..? She feels someone placing their palm against her forehead. She turns to see Maya's mom smiling warmly at her.
"Ah.. you're awake I see... Maya's gone to make you some breakfast... and dispose of the rope..."
Regina nods and looks down.
"Good.." she says quietly.
'She's my knight in shining armour...' Regina thought to herself.
"You've also got a fever... so I'm going to let you sleep in.."
Regina smiles slightly.
"Thank you..."

Mackenzie opens the door and lets herself in. She sees Maya struggling to take two bowls of cereal. She helps her pick one up.
"Hey... what happened last night..?"
"I got a hunch.."
Maya points to the rope on the counter.
"O-oh—! I see... Regina tried to—?"
Mays nods.
Mackenzie and Maya head up the stairs. They put the bowls on the desk. Maya realises she hadn't moved the chair from last night.
She looks to Regina. Still asleep..

"I'm just glad she's safe..." Mackenzie whispers and smiles. She gently kisses Regina's cheek. Maya smiles.
Regina slowly opens her eyes.
"M-Maya...? Mackenzie...?"
The girls smile and Maya moves Regina's hair out of her face.
"Hey pretty lady..."
Regina blushes.
"Got you some breakfast..."
Maya puts the back of her hand against Regina's forehead.
"Hmm... you might have a fever..."

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