7 - Regina's Problems

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Dawn had arrived. Maya was up first. The pain in the side of her head kept her up most of the night. Regina was huddled up to her, sleeping soundly.
Maya looks at the end of her bed. Natalie was gone. A sweet smell fills the room. Maya gets out of her bed, careful not to wake up Regina, gets dressed and brushes her hair, then makes her way downstairs.
The smell only grew stronger, she heads into the kitchen.

Natalie was baking cupcakes and pancakes. She hadn't noticed Maya standing in the doorway.
'Need... any help?'
Natalie looks to see Maya walking over to her. How long had she been standing there?
'It's okay Natalie.. those smell really good.'
'T-thank you Maya.. this is my grandma's recipe.'
Maya goes over to Natalie's pancakes and flips them, as to make sure they don't get burnt.
She then goes over to a cupboard and grabs eleven plates and sets them out on the table.

'Thanks for the help Maya.. do you have any syrup?'
'Yeah.. I do. Can't have pancakes without syrup!'

Regina steps into the kitchen, fully dressed for school.
'Maya? Why aren't you dressed? It's Tuesday..'
'Wait- what time is it?'
Panic kicked in and Maya rushes upstairs to grab her uniform and gets changed in the bathroom.
'Girls! Come on we have school!'
Mackenzie, Rachel and Clara suddenly jolted awake. Did Maya just say they had school? Oh no. Rachel gets dressed and rushes out the house and Mackenzie opens her bag and hastily gets dressed.

Regina was stood by the door, waiting for Maya and Mackenzie. She had helped Natalie put the cupcakes and pancakes into the fridge for now. Mackenzie comes down the stairs and the three girls rush to school together.
Maya and Regina hadn't been to school in over three months. For Maya it was because of her coma, and she assumed the teachers would know. As for Regina, she was tortured for three months straight.

Class began as normal. Mr Kittridge greeted the girls.
'Ah.. it's good to see you back Maya and Regina. Why were you off again Regina..?'
'I uh—.. I really don't want to talk about it..'
A boy starts slapping his hand with his ruler as he was getting bored waiting for class to start.
Regina suddenly starts breathing heavily and she holds onto the doorframe to keep her balance. She grips Maya's hand tightly and tears started forming in her eyes.

'Something is wrong with Regina. I hope nothing too bad happened. But she's showing signs of PTSD..' Mr Kittridge thought to himself.
'Maya I want you to take Regina to the medical office. I'm asking you because I doubt you're 100% okay too. Mackenzie and Rachel will cover for you both. Is that okay?'
'Yeah.. come on Regina.'
Maya takes Regina to the medical office.

Class goes by as normal but without Maya or Regina, meaning they were still in the medical office.
'When do you think they'll be back?'
Mackenzie looks towards Rachel, looking worried.
'Sometime soon..'
The door opens slowly and Maya sits at her usual sitting place. She did not look happy.
'Maya? What's wrong..?'
Mackenzie looks towards Maya concerned.
'Well.. Regina could potentially have PTSD.. what happened to her only happened when someone slapped themselves with a ruler..'
Maya looks at Mackenzie almost crying.
'What's PTSD..?'

'They call it Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I've been worrying Regina might have it. Do any of you know what happened to her?'
Mr Kittridge approaches the girls.
'Sorry, I couldn't help listening in.'
'Three months ago.. Maya was attacked in her own home on Valentine's.. she had received trauma to the brain and not long after she slipped into a coma.. after overhearing Ira and Mackenzie's talk she decided it was time to save the girl she loved. She really had to exert herself.. she shouldn't have but she did.. at least we managed to get Regina back.. but I think everybody knew she wouldn't be the same girl again.

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