12 - Song for Maya

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Glitter Diamond and Glitter Clover touchdown in Splendoria. Maya was here for sure.

'I would assume the girls are at the palace. Let's go there.'
Clover smiles towards her blue haired friend.
Diamond nods, and they begin their trek.

Heartbreak stares at the girls from a distance. They weren't exactly on her mind right now. She wanted to hurt Mackenzie and Regina.

Maya wakes up. Everything was filled with darkness and a horrible ringing sound. Heartbreak was facing away from her.
She was trapped within her own conscience. And she had absolutely no control over it.
It was if she was strapped in chains and was being forced to watch her best friends and the people she loves being hurt by Heartbreak.

'She's near.. I can feel it..'
Spade closes her eyes.
'But something is wrong. As if she's—!'
A burst of dark energy knocks Glitter Spade into a wall. Regina rushes to her side while Glitter Ace stands defensively, trying to make out the swiftly approaching figure.

Heartbreak stands on the railing of the balcony.
Regina stands up and looks the figure up and down.
'Glitter Heart..?'
Heartbreak grins evilly.
'Heartbreak actually!'
In the blink of an eye Regina is knocked through a wall.
This wasn't Maya. Now she knew how Maya felt when she was brainwashed.

'Maya—what's—happened to you..?'
Mackenzie tries to get on her feet.
'I don't know what you're on about. This is who I am now!'
'No! You're not Maya.. you aren't my Maya. Maya is the most helpful amazing girl ever! I won't let you take her from me!'
Regina gets up but immediately gets thrown into another wall by another burst of dark energy. She was out for the count.

'Clover Reflection!'
Glitter Clover jumps in front of Glitter Spade and activates her clover shield.
Diamond freezes Maya in place.

'Maya! Please... I know you're in there!'
It was no use. Heartbreak charges a massive dark energy blast and fires, destroying a majority of the palace. The girls except for Ace had transformed back to normal due to the blast.

'Ace Shot, Boom!'
Ace, Clearly enraged fires at Maya.
The blast knocks her over the edge, but disappears into thin air.

'Everybody okay..?'
Mackenzie looks up towards Natalie.
'Are we hell? It's not like our now possessed best friend has just nearly beaten the life out of all of us.'
Regina cries out in physical and emotional pain.
Mackenzie crawls towards her and wraps her arms around her. Rachel was crying quietly on the ground while Clara was trying to regain her composure.

Natalie reflects on what just happened. It may not have been obvious but Maya definitely hesitated to attack for a split second.
'Mackenzie.. I've got an idea.'

'Are you positive singing would work? It didn't work on Regina when she was brainwashed..'
Natalie nods.
'There was hesitation in her actions. Her Doki-Doki needs a wake-up song.

'So now I know what they're like. Good...'
Johan grins.

'I will be free.. I will stop you. I can feel their Doki-Doki growing stronger by the minute.'
Heartbreak turns around and punches her.
'Silence you wretch. This is my body now.'
'It's not. Because I'm Maya Aida.'

Two weeks pass.

Mackenzie sits in her dressing room.
'Are we sure this will work?'
'I guarantee it will. Pour all of your Doki-Doki into it, as Maya would put it.'
Mackenzie turns around to Davi and smiles. Regina tries to hold a hopeful expression.

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