27 - Broken

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Regina opens her eyes. Everything was shrouded in darkness.
'Where am I..?' She thought to herself.
A light turns on at the end of the room, revealing a large studio camera.
"Hello, Regina. Do you know where you are?" Johan says as he creeps out of the shadows.
Regina shakes her head, panicking.
"This camera right here has been connected to the TV in Maya's room."
Regina's eyes widen.
'Oh God... he's gonna kill me in front of her...! Natalie for God's sake help me..!'

"Regina, dear. Don't try and call your friends to your aid. I'll just make you suffer even more, which will have a big knock-on effect with Maya."
Regina starts to cry.

Maya opens her eyes. She was in a bed in a white room. She realises she was in hospital. Everywhere ached. She notices her TV was on, and then notices Regina.
"Oh no—! Regina—!"
"Maya Aida! You're finally awake. Now we can get started. What's going to happen is you're going to stay in that bed of yours and watch your girlfriend suffer until I kill her painfully."
Maya's eyes widen. Her vision began to blur as tears filled her eyes and streamed down her cheeks.
"No—! I won't stay—! I'm going to save Regina."
"How? You don't even know where she is!" Johan retorts and laughs.

"M—Maya—? I'm sorry—! I promised us a future together—! I failed you—!" Regina cries.
"No—! We never break promises—! I'm coming Regina! I will find you—!"
Maya shouts as she gets out of bed. Kippie opens the door to Maya's room and her eyes widen.
"Glitter Time Kippie! We're saving Regina!"

Maya transforms into Glitter Heart and jumps out of her window. She focuses hard on Regina, trying to get a rough estimation on where she is from her Doki-Doki.
"Kippie tell the others."

"Maya is absolutely insane! She doesn't know where Regina is! Plus she's in critical condition!" Natalie shouts to the other girls.
Mackenzie, Clara and Rachel transform.
"We've gotta help her then. Focus on Regina's Doki-Doki everyone. Let's not screw up, Maya would never forgive us otherwise. Nor will she forgive herself." Glitter Spade.
Natalie transforms into Glitter Ace and sighs.
'I'm coming sis, don't you worry. Hang in there.'

Regina cries out in pain as Johan slams a hammer onto her hand.
Natalie had told her she was coming. Hopefully she gets there in time.

Glitter Heart grunts in pain. Everything hurt. That wasn't going to stop her. She was close now.
'I'm coming Regina. Don't you worry.'
"Hello, stranger! Why are you out of bed?"
Heart turns to her left to find Glitter Diamond running along side her. She smiles.
"Saving my girlfriend!"
The other girls join them.

Regina cries out in pain again.
"Stop..! Please...!"
Johan grins and places his hammer down. He grabs a knife and walks towards Regina. Her eyes widen with fear.
She's suddenly stabbed close to the heart.
"Argh—!" Regina cries out and sobs.

Glitter Heart jumps through the wall as Regina is stabbed again.
"REGINA—!" She cries as the other girls jump through the wall and punch Johan away.
"WHAT?! How did you find me?!" He shouts.
"Through the power of the Doki-Doki!" Glitter Spade shouts.
Glitter Heart rips Regina from her restraints and holds her close to her chest. Regina moans in pain.
"M—Maya—! I'm so sorry.... it hurts... I don't want to die... I want to be with you... I love you... please don't let me die...! Please!"
Heart sobs at Regina's begging.
"Baby you're going to be okay.. I promise..."
"It... it... doesn't hurt no more..."
Maya starts to sob violently and jumps out of the building and rushes to the hospital.
"DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP! WE'RE TOGETHER FOREVER GOT IT?!" Maya shouts through her sobs.

Regina tries to stay conscious, her eyes not leaving Maya's.
Her legs burned. Maya didn't care. She was saving her girlfriend.
"Stay with me baby we're nearly there!" Maya shouts.

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