10 - Together Forever

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE: For this part I planned two versions to this story. The first version you see right here and the next version will be in a brand new set of stories that will be based around Regina becoming the next Glitter Heart. This version will still go on however.
If a sad ending/beginning is what you want, then there'll be a new set of stories coming out alongside this. That's all people!)

Mackenzie sits at the kitchen table, content. Half an hour ago her dreams finally became a reality.
Regina enters the kitchen, wearing a bright pink T-shirt and denim shorts.
'Heya Mackenzie... whatcha up to?'
Mackenzie turns around and admires the blonde in front of her.
'Oh.. I'm thinking of writing a special song..'
Regina blushes a little and sits next to her.

Maya then enters the room with Kippie on her shoulder.
'What's up girls?'
'Oh not much. Mackenzie was telling me she's planning a new song.'
Maya's eyes light up and Mackenzie blushes. She weren't going to tell them what the song would be about, but it would be about the girls. Maya Aida and Regina Angelica.

'I'm uh... going to speak with Davi about this new song. Be back soon!'
Mackenzie leaves the house and heads to her apartment. Davi would be there right now, checking to see they hadn't been robbed or anything.

She opens the door to her apartment.
Davi was sat at the computer, writing an email.
'Ah Mackenzie. Is everything okay?'
'Yeah. Everything's fine. Amazing even... I came to talk to you about a song idea.'
Davi looks towards her curiously, and a faint smile forms on her lips.
'It's a song for Maya and Regina... and for all my friends. For everything they've done. They've helped me be the best version of myself I can be. And I love them dearly for it.'

Mackenzie places a hand to her chest and smiles to herself.
Davi stands up and hugs Mackenzie.
'I'm glad you made friends with them. And I'm glad they've made you the best version of yourself. I'm proud of you Mackenzie. And I know they are too. I'll let you get to writing. Let me know if you need anything.'
'I will. Thanks Davi.'
Mackenzie goes to her room and sits at her desk.

'Voilà! Breakfast is served!'
Maya's father places down breakfast in front of Regina and her daughter.
'Where's Mackenzie?'
Regina looks up.
'She's gone to write a new song. I can tell it's got Maya really excited and curious!'
Maya looks up confused and giggles. Funnily enough she had been thinking about Mackenzie's new song.

After finishing breakfast Maya takes the plates and takes them into the kitchen.
'Good morning Maya.'
Maya's mom greeted her as she entered. She had been doing the washing-up.

Regina heads into Maya's room and puts in her headphones and plays some music.
An idea pops into her head.

A faint shout pulls her out of her trance and she stops her music. She heads downstairs.
'I've shouted you three times... Natalie just called.. saying her grandma has just been hospitalised... wanna come see her with me? Check how she's doing..?'
Regina nods confidently. It had been a while since she'd last seen her sister.

Natalie sits in her room, crying softly. She didn't want to lose her grandma. Especially to the flu.
Maya opens the door. It had been almost half an hour since she had told her about what happened. Regina stood behind her, along with the other girls too. Except for Mackenzie..

'Hey... got here as fast as I could but I thought I should get the other girls here too..'
Maya helps Natalie off her feet and hugs her.
'Thanks Maya... I've just been really worried... today I just found her unconscious..'
Clara looked on with a saddened expression. Regina rushes to her little sister and pulls her into a tight embrace.
'Where's Mackenzie..?'
Natalie looks up, wiping her eyes.
'Mackenzie's writing a song.. I don't think she knows what's happening..'

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