👿🎸 • 💟 || Trust me

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Mentions of death(?

Also, this was written already before Tommy's exile, sorry it took so long to come out but i wasn't in the mood to draw, i'm sorry i'll try make it up for all of you..! ❤️ (i'm sorry i've been sleeping-)


17 November of 2020, the day after the revolution of L'manberg, everything was a mess, every single piece of land that L'manberg had was exploded by the TNT their ex-president placed all around the place, and if something survived then the Withers ended with it, Tommy was with his bestfriend in Pogtopia, they were grabbing important things that they had there and put them in a bag to bring everything to L'manberg's territory.

"Tubbo, can you go grab some potatos inside? I'll wait for you out here" Tommy said to Tubbo, sitting in the grass to wait for his friend.

"Ok!" Tubbo walked down the stairs, it was a bit dark, they removed the torches to place them around L'manberg but they didn't take all of them.

When he finally was at the bottom of the ravine he opened a chest, it only had boxes full of potatos that Techno had left there. When he had enough he closed it and turned around, he was going to start walking up the stairs but he heard something from the portal's side of the ravine, the portal was broken of course.

"Is someone there? Is that you Tommy?" He slowly walked to where the noice came from, there was a human figure in the shadows "Hello?" Tubbo was getting a bit scared.

"Hey!~" The shadow came a bit closer so Tubbo could see who it was.. was that.. Wilbur..?

"W- Wilbur??" He was confused, wasn't he dead?

"Hello, old friend!"

"AHHHHH-" He screamed, he tried stabbing Wilbur but it didn't do anything "What the-"

"TUBBO!!" Tommy came running from the stairs, then he ran to his bestfriend and hugged him tightly "Tubbo are you okay!? You screamed and-"

"Hello child!!" Tommy quickly grabbed his sword and pointed it to 'Wilbur', getting infront of Tubbo with his shield in his other hand.

"And who the fuck are you!?"

"Tommy it's me! Wilbur" He got one step closer "Don't you remember me?" his voice sounded weird, tired, it just sounded dead and without the same tone Wilbur always used, it didn't feel the same.

"Of course i remember you but.. you're dead"

"What happened after i died?" He asked, a smile drawn in his face.

"Do you rememeber how you died?" Tommy asked, unsure if Wilbur died because of the explosion, he had a sword going through his chest so that made the blonde be unsure about it.

"My father stabbed me to death!" He said with a big smile in his face, it wasn't a creppy smile but it wasn't a warm smile either, he just looked happy "Is he okay now?"

"Yeah.. yeah Phil is ok.." He placed the sword back in it's place and turned to Tubbo "What do we do now?"

"Don't worry children! I won't do anything, i'll just follow you" He walked forward, Tommy didn't know what to do, was this a dream or something?

"Just.. follow me, we're going to new L'manberg and I can't just leave you here, let's go Tubbo"


It's been a week since Wilbur came back in a ghost form, now they called him Ghostbur, he was always around, he even helped decorating everything and building, but he didn't remember anything from when he was alive, he just remembered happy things.

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