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Stella Rogers

"Why don't you want to go on a double date with us?" I asked, following my brother around the house as he pulled together an application form for the military.

"Bucky and I found a nice girl for you, she's really excited to meet you." I tried to reason with him, but Steve wasn't having a bar of it.

"I want to fight for our country, Stell." He said, turning around to look up at me.

Steve hated our height difference.

I was younger than my twin brother by two minutes, and he'd always make fun of me for being younger.

One day, I was just taller than him, and Steve didn't know how to handle that fact.

"What don't you understand about that?"

"You got rejected, Steve." I pointed out, following him into his room.

"It sucks, and I'm sorry, but there's nothing you can do about it except move on."

"No." Steve shot back, grabbing some files and walking out of his room.

"Have fun on your date."


"I got accepted!" Steve exclaimed, running into the living room, and I pulled him in for a hug.

"Congratulations!" I said happily, but pulled away shortly after.

"Steve, how did you get accepted?" I asked, and he sat on the couch, facing me.

"Because I have heart."

"You're not hiding anything from me, are you?" I asked, looking at my brother suspiciously, who shook his head.

"Why would I?"


Steve came out of the chamber looking different.

He was muscular, he was just bigger in every conceivable way.

"How do you feel?" I asked, pulling my sweaty brother in for a hug, who chuckled.


"Well you are." I said, taking a step back and wiping some of his sweat off my arms.

"You're taller than me, now." I commented, and Steve nodded.

"It's about time."


The man in front of me suddenly stopped walking, and I bumped into his back.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't realise you'd stopped." I said politely, but he just turned to face me.

"Stella Rogers, is it?"

"Who's asking?" I asked, trying to walk away, but another man stopped me.

"Your brother, Captain America, has been taking down our bases. I think it's time we fought back."

"I can't help you, I have nothing to do with it." I responded, but the men just chuckled.

"You can't help us, not yet."

"Not yet?" I asked, fear coursing through my veins, but they just nodded at eachother.

I was in trouble.


I was experimented on for what felt like forever, but I had no idea how long it had truly been.

Hopefully not that long.

The HYDRA scientists, if I could even call them scientists, tried everything they could on me.

What are the Odds? ~ L.Odinson Where stories live. Discover now