21. Mistakes

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Quietly, Lucas and Lucia dragged Annabeth's unconscious body down the long flight of stairs.

"Help!" Lucas shouted to the twins' room. "Help! Annabeth's fallen!"

It felt like trying to cover up a crime. Making up a fake story to excuse Annabeth's limp body. Lorette hated it. She was lying to everyone.

Everyone came rushing out of the room, panic painted all over their faces.

"What's happened? Why won't she wake up?!" George asked frantically.

"Sh-She fell and she must've hit her head on one of the stairs- I don't know she won't wake up!" Lorette said nervously.

"Move! Move!" George yelled, carrying Annabeth's limp body up down the stairs and laid her on the dining table.

"How do we get her to wake up?!" Sofia asked, staring down at Annabeth.

"I-I don't know." George said, brushing his hands through his hair.

"I'm going to look through Molly's things. See if she has anything!" Lorette said rushing over to Molly's healing magic cabinet. Lucas and Lorette followed closely behind her.

"Luke, is she going to forget everything?" Lorette whisper-yelled once they were out of sight and out of earshot.

"No, no I don't think so. I've been perfecting how to only erase certain memories. She should just forget the part of our conversation about Sirius." Lucas said in return.

"What if she reads our minds and figures it all out again?" Lucia asked.

"She said something about us having a shield? Maybe she won't be able to read us." Lucas said.

"Yeah sure, but how do we use it? How can we make sure it works?" Lucas said.

"We have to do some more research on it- learn how to use it." Lorette said, pretending to shuffle through the things in Molly's cabinet.

"Do we even have enough time? She should be waking up soon." Lucia said.

"I can try to buy us more time, I'll try casting the body binding spell, hopefully that will give us more time." Lucas said quickly, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "How much longer do you think we'll need?"

"Just a couple hours- maybe three or four?" Lorette said.

"How fast do you think we read, Lory?!" Lucia said.

"We have to tell them-" Lucas said.

"No absolutely not!" Lucia snapped.

"She has a point, Luci, they could come in useful-" Lucas said calmly.

"No! They barely knew Sirius!" Lucia whisper-yelled.

"They're our last resort! And Annabeth won't help us!" Lorette argued.

"Luci, they're our last resort. There's no one else that could help and if mother and father found out that Annabeth-" Lucas said, trying to reason with his sister.

"Fine. But I swear if those little brats-" Lucia said, caving into her siblings pleads.

"Luke, you go do the body binding spell- actually- you might have to knock her out." Lorette said.

"What? Why?" Lucas asked.

"Even if she's petrified and can't move or speak, if she is able to read our minds-" Lorette began, but was quickly interrupted by Lucia's realization.

"She can speak through thoughts!" Lucia gasped.

"Can you s-stupefy her without making the others aware?" Lorette asked quietly, already knowing the answer; Lucas was an incredibly talented wizard who had learned how to train and adjust spells and their effectiveness.

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