19. Back Home

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Lorette didn't speak to Fred the whole week after that. They had both tried their best to avoid each other after her party.

Lorette was dreading her spring holiday, she would be at the Burrow all week with Fred. Vittorio and Amira had invited Molly and Arthur on their last minute trip, and Molly and Arthur were more than willing to join them. They were a bit worried about leaving all the kids home alone, but Percy and Lucas would be there, so hopefully it would all be under control.

George's and Fred's birthday was tomorrow and on Saturday they would all return to the Burrow to celebrate before Molly and Arthur left for the week.

"So what are you getting George for his birthday?" Lorette asked as she packed her suitcase.

"A pair of goggles that I charmed so that when he puts them on he can see me- um- naked." Annabeth said sheepishly.

"Oh very creative." Lorette smirked.

"What about you? What are you getting them?" Annabeth asked.

"That's a surprise." Lorette said, winking.

This would be Annabeth's first time at the Burrow. Molly had allowed her to spend the week with them because of the twin's and Lorette's birthday.

She was extremely nervous, it would be her first time meeting Molly and she had no idea how to act.


Lorette got on the train and walked to the prefects compartment with Annabeth. Lorette knew at some point George and Fred would show up and sit with them, but so far they were nowhere to be seen.

Unfortunately, the twins arrived a few moments later. George immediately made Lorette move so he could sit next to Annabeth.

Lorette was forced to sit next to Fred, the tension between them unbreakable. They had a generous amount of space between them.

"We'll be in the bathroom. If you need us." George said, leading Annabeth out of the train compartment.

"I'm gonna go too." Fred said, walking out of the compartment as well.

Lorette opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Shit, Fred didn't even want to talk about it.


"My loves! How have you been?" Molly shouted as the children began stepping out of the train into Kings Cross station.

Annabeth stood frozen in place, her cheeks a bright red and her smile look painful.

"You must be Annabeth!" Molly said, bringing Annabeth into a hug. "George has told me so much about you!"

Annabeth relaxed a bit, hugging Molly back.

Molly pulled away and turned toward Lorette. Her eyes grew sad and comforting. "Lory, dear, I want to hear everything about that boyfriend of yours!"

Lorette blushed and giggled. "Yes, yes! I'll tell you all about him!"

"Alright, well, we best be off! It's my baby boys' birthday! Let's get home!" Molly said, motioning for all the kids to follow her.

"Mum!" George started.

"Our birthday was yesterday!" Fred said.

Once they arrived at the Burrow, Lorette was welcomed by the familiar scent of burning wood and warm cookies.

"Welcome home!" Two voices shouted as they jumped up from the couch.

"Charlie! Bill!" Lorette and her sisters squealed, running up to the tall gingers.

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