23. It's All Up To You

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The week passed by in a flash for Lorette. In the blink of an eye, it was Thursday morning and tomorrow, she would be going to the ministry with her mother to begin her...veela life.

"So...mother told me you'll be going to the ministry tomorrow." Lucia said while she prepared for bed.

"Mhm." Lorette responded as she put toothpaste on her toothbrush.

"What time will you be leaving?" Lucia asked, brushing her hair while counting under her breath.

"Early." Lorette said between brushes. "Around seven."

"Are you nervous?" Lucia asked. "582...583..." she continued.

"Are you seriously brushing your hair one thousand times?" Lorette laughed, avoiding the question.

"Yes. Now answer my question." Lucia replied.

"Terrified." Lorette responded, rinsing her toothbrush.

An awkward silence fell between the two sisters, Lorette could hear Lucia's counting.

"My hair has begun to turn white." Lucia said quietly. "Have I told you?"

"N-No. No you didn't tell me." Lorette responded. "When?"

"About a month after I turned sixteen. But mother taught me the spell to keep my hair brown." Lucia said. "My skin is turning paler too. I decided no to use the tanner, but mother says I have to."


"She said it's a disgrace. For a wizard and veela to mate like they did and have...disgraceful half-breeds like us."

"She said that?!"

"It doesn't really matter. It was mother who bewitched father and lead to this 'disgrace'"

"Why does she hate us so much?"

"I don't think she hates us, I think she hates herself." Lucia said calmly, setting her brush down on the sink counter and admiring her reflection. "For falling in love and making 'impure' babies... And for not hating her impure babies for being impure. I think she loves us and she hates herself for it."

The two girls stared at themselves in the mirror for a few seconds before Lucia turned to Lorette.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed. You have an early morning tomorrow."

"Will you-"

"I'll tell the others, I'll make up some excuse. Don't worry."

"Thank you." Lorette sighed, walking out of the bathroom and to Ginny's room.

Lucia seemed so unfazed by her new changes and maturing. But Lorette swore she could've heard Lucia silently sob as she walked out of the bathroom.
The next morning, Lorette was awoken by Lucia, who told her it was already six-twenty and there wouldn't be much time to get ready.

Lorette rushed into the bathroom, quickly taking off her pajamas and jumping into the shower. Her mother had always made it important for her children to look their best, no matter where they were going. And so dressing up for an occasion was one of Lorette's bad habits.

She jumped out of the shower and rushed to put her clothes on; a short white dress with a flowy skirt. Her hair was still wet and so she barged into Lucas's room.

"Luke! Luke! Wake up! I need you to dry my hair!" she pleaded, shaking her brother awake.

Lucas, who was still half asleep, quickly grabbed his wand and muttered a spell to dry Lorette's hair before falling back to sleep. Lorette whispered "thank you" and rushed out of the room, careful not to wake up anyone. She put her hair up with a big pink clip that contrasted beautifully against her dark hair.

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