29. Family Reunion II

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I included a picture of the De Rossi family tree if any of you are confused about the family.

Fred snapped his neck to peak inside and sighed in relief when he saw no one. "Must've been the wind or something."

Lorette nodded in response. "W-We should get back to bed, got an early morning tomorrow."

"Oh," Fred said in disappointment. "Yeah, no, we should definitely get back to bed."

"Goodnight Fred." Loretta said shyly.

"Night."  he said in return.

Lorette peered up and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for calling me pretty." she whispered in his ear

"Just stating the facts, Lor." he grinned back down at her.

Oh shit. She would not be sleeping at all tonight.
As the first two weeks of August came and went, the time for the quidditch world cup was getting closer. Everyone else was thrilled to go, it was a very special treat for the Weasleys, but Lorette and her siblings were far from excited.

Her cousin, Viktor Krum, was on the Bulgarian quidditch team. He would be there playing, which meant her entire family would be there supporting. Her obnoxiously large italian family would all be there. Her grandparents, all her aunts, all her uncles and unfortunately, all her cousins. All thirteen of them.

The night before, Harry Potter arrived at the Burrow. He was overly excited for his first world cup and wore a wide smile, partly because he would be going to a quidditch game and partly because he was away from the Dursleys.

It was now the morning of the game, and Lorette felt herself being shook awake by two large hands. Fred's hands.

"Wake up! Wake up! Lorette, wake up! It's game day!" Fred shouted.

It was so strange for him to be awake as such an early hour, but it was game day. Which meant he would put aside his morning grumpiness for today.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" Lorette yelled back, trying to push him off of her.

"Go get ready! We've got places to be! Places to got! Games to watch! Teams to support!" Fred shouted excitedly.

"Family to see." Lucia groaned from her bed.

"Get up! Get dressed! And get ready to go!" George shouted from the hallway.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Fred said.

"I'm going! I'm going!" Lorette laughed.

"Oh c'mon!" Fred groaned. "You're taking too long!" Fred picked up Lorette from her bad and flung her over his shoulder.

"Fred put me down!" Lorette shouted.

"You're taking forever to get ready and we've got no time to waste!" Fred declared.

"Frederick Gideon Weasley! Put me down!" she laughed.

"Lorette Aria De Rossi! No!" he teased.

Woken up by their yelling, Molly stepped out of her room along with Arthur. Displeased with all the noise, but it quickly turned to satisfaction when she saw her son laughing at Lorette who was thrown over his shoulder giggling with him.

The woman smiled to herself and whispered to her husband, "Oh when will they realize?"

"Realize what darling?" Arthur asked.

"Look at them, Arthur. Look at them. Don't they remind you of anyone?" Molly smiled.

"No, not really." Arthur joked.

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