16. Birthday Party

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The next morning, Lorette awoke with a surge of energy. She got up and found that her parents had already left, with no goodbye.

"Good morning!" Lorette said when she saw Lucia had walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Lory. You seem very...energetic." Lucia said in her grumpy morning voice.

"Well I have party to host, I've got to have energy." Lorette said.

"Oh thats still happening?" Lucas asked as he appeared.

"Yes, yes it is happening." Lorette said sternly.

"Lory, you know after last night, it's okay to cancel. I can talk to Oliver I'm sure he won't mind." Lucas said softly.

"No! We're having this party, especially after last night! We need something to ease off the stress!" Lorette said gleefully.

"Okay." Lucas nodded doubting Lorette.

"Did you get the firewhiskey?" Lorette asked, looking at her check list.

"No, I'm going to the store now to pick it now. Do you need anything else?" Lucas asked.

"If you can try going to a regular muggle store...could you get some muggle alcohol? Tequila, vodka, rum, y'know?" Lucia asked.

"Yeah, I can try. I'll see you later." Lucas said, walking out the door. He'd have to take a regular car if he was going to a muggle store.

"We need to decorate. It's still too cold outside so we can't have the party there, but the ball room should be empty, so I guess we could do it there." Lorette said.

"You guys have a ball room?" Oliver said standing at the other end of the counter.

"Oliver. Hi." Lorette said, putting down her checklist.

"Hey." Oliver said awkwardly.

"Right. I'll be in my room." Lucia said as she walked upstairs.

"Lory, we need to talk." Oliver said.

"Yeah...we do." Lorette was secretly hoping Oliver would break up with her, but she knew that Oliver was a sensible guy, he wouldn't break up with her over something like this.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, about everything. I should've trusted you." Lorette said, getting closer to Oliver.

"I know you didn't kiss him. I'm sorry for not believing you. And I'm sorry for moving too fast." Oliver admitted.

"No, no, you didn't know, it's not your fault!" Lorette said, hugging him. "I'm so sorry, Ollie."

"Ollie?" Oliver asked grinning.

"Yeah, Ollie." Lorette returned the favor.

Oliver kissed her forehead and then rested his head on hers.

"Oh good. You've made up." Annabeth's voice spoke up.

Oliver and Lorette snapped up and Lorette gave Annabeth a cold look.

"Excuse me." Lorette said as she let go of Oliver and walked towards Annabeth, grabbing her wrist and leading her upstairs.

Lorette took her to the sunroom and locked the door. She casted the muffliato spell before saying anything so that no one else would hear there conversation.

"What the blood hell Bethy?! You told my mother about Fred!" Lorette shouted.

"You were acting weird and you seemed-" Annabeth argued but was cut off.

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