9. Christmas At the Burrow

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The first week of Christmas break had passed by incredibly fast. Fred had been acting normal around Lorette, the way he used to act around her before this summer.

The kids were still disappointed that their parents wouldn't be coming for Christmas, but they were a bit more excited when Remus agreed to spend it with them instead. He arrived Christmas Eve with loads of presents.

Lorette ran downstairs wearing a blue knitted sweater with a large "L" in the middle that Molly had made for her from the last Christmas. The De Rossi's had made it tradition to wear their sweaters from Christmas before and changed into their new ones once they opened presents.

She met her siblings, who were all wearing their different colored sweaters, and sat down in between George and Fred.

"Before we start with presents, I just want to say how thankful I am for my wonderful family, even my 'adopted' children." Molly said, her loving smile filling everyone's hearts with love.

"Mum! Enough of that! Presents!" Ginny squealed, lunging at the tree and grabbing the first present she could. "To: Paws?" She said confused.

"That would be me." Lorette said shyly.

"From: Lupin." Ginny grinned handing the present over.

Lorette unwrapped the box, carefully trying not to tear the paper, and pulled out a pair of earrings. They were bright and shiny diamond studs.

"Oh Uncle Remus! They're beautiful! Thank you!" Lorette said, running over to hug him.

"Hold on! You haven't even tried them on yet!" Remus exclaimed.

Lorette looked at him confusingly and put them on. Suddenly, Lorette began hearing the song "Silver Bells" playing in her ear. Her eyes widened. "They play music?" Lorette said excitedly.

"Mhm. I know how much you love listening to music while you work, tuning out the outside world. So I charmed the earrings so they'll play whatever song is stuck in your head." Remus said gleefully.

"Oh thank you Uncle Remus! They're wonderful!" Lorette said hugging him tighter.

"Of course Paws!" Remus said, ruffling up her hair.

"This next one is to: Ron! From Sofia" Ginny said, handing the gift to her brother.

"Aw, gee, thanks Sofi." Ron said, pulling out a new pair of sneakers. "You remembered!"

"Course I did! You ripped your other ones and I saw these and thought you'd like 'em better." Sofia said, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

"Thanks dude!" Ron said, staring at his new shoes.

Sofia's smile dropped. "Mhm."

The rest of the presents were handed out, the kids received their sweaters, per usual. Lorette's a dark shade of blue with the "L" on it. Lucia's was purple and Lucas's was Green. Lorenzo's was orange, Marcus's yellow, and Sofia's a warm pink. The kids favorite part of Christmas was receiving their sweaters from Molly. It was the best gift they could ask for, better than any expensive toy their parent's could buy them.


"Well let me say, I'm thankful for the Weasleys and the kindness they show my siblings and I every year!" Lucas said, raising his glass. "To the Weasleys!"

"The Weasleys!" Everyone cheered.

"Oh shush! You kids are practically my own! I've known each of you since you were born!" Molly said, trying to distract the attention away from herself.

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