3. Veela

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"Oh shit! What time is it?" Lorette said realizing how much time had passed by.

"Uh...3:45, why?" Annabeth said, glancing at the clock.

"I've got quidditch!" Lorette yelled from the closet, changing into her quidditch uniform. "I'll meet you in the dining hall afterwards, yeah?" Lorette fumbled with the buttons of her blouse trying to get it off.

"Yeah, but I can't promise I'll be there." Annabeth winked.

"Gross! I don't want to see you snog Cedric!" Lorette threw a pillow at Annabeth as she walked out. "I'll see you later Bethy, tell Ced I said hi and to keep his hands off you!" Lorette shouted from the hallway.
"No promises!" Annabeth shouted towards the door.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Lorette yelled running up to her other teammates.

"You're late, again." The team captain, Mariah Springer, shouted at her.

"Sorry, sorry, I lost track of time." Lorette yelped, mounting onto her broom

"If you keep coming to practices late, you won't be playing in our first game, De Rossi!" Mariah shouted as she watched Lorette fly by her.

"Got it!" Lorette shouted back

If there was one thing Lorette was passionate about, it would not be Quidditch. She was one of the most talented seekers the school had seen in years, but she absolutely hated it. Lorette always said that competition was pointless, which was a complete lie, Lorette loved competition. But her motivation for Quidditch just wasn't there. Lorette didn't like the early morning practices that forced her to wake up before the sun was out. She also didn't like the afternoon practices that interfered with her afternoon naps and procrastination for homework. After her grades began to slip second year, Amira told Lorette that she needed something to keep her in check, it was Lucia's idea for Lorette to join the team. Lorette's mother was surprisingly excited when Lorette agreed to join the team.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: i made the change HERE:

"Your father was the best seeker Ravenclaw had seen in years! He still is! I bet if you look at the trophy case, you'll find his name somewhere on a plaque!" Amira told her daughter after Lorette had agreed to join the team.
Lorette was the most similar to her mother out of the six children and she hated herself for it. She  was the one who had the most veela in her. She had pin straight, black hair, just like her stone cold mother. She was just as smart, just as confident, just as praised as her mother. They talked the same, with the same hand motions. Smiled the same, walked the same. Laughed the same, although Amira had not laughed in years. They had the same face shape. One thing that she had that her mother didn't, were hazel eyes, like her father's. They were beautiful hazel eyes, different from her siblings who all bright green eyes. Lorette's favorite features were her eyes, because they were nothing like her mother's.

Although on the outside Lorette and Amira were almost identical, on the inside they were two completely different people. Amira was cold and bitter. She didn't know how to show affection or how to comfort others. She had a lot of friends, but they were only friends with her because of her status. Lorette was a sweet girl who always supported her friends. She didn't discriminate against others because of their blood status and she didn't hold herself as high as her mother did.

A couple of times when Amira and Vittorio's old Hogwarts friends came over and got drunk, they would tell Lorette, who would always sneak out of her room to catch a glimpse of her drunk mother, how kind Amira used to be. How different she was when she was young. How marriage had changed her and not in a good way. One night, the friends were all very drunk, they would not be remembering anything the next morning, and a close friend of Vittorio's told young Lorette, who must've been only ten years old at the time, that she reminded her of Amira when she was young.

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