31. Revealed

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A few weeks later, Lorette was reading another magazine her pen pal had sent her, Lucia and Ginny reading over her shoulders. When Fred and George came in all sweaty and painting.

"Bloody hell..." Ron said from his seat next to Hermione. "What happened to you two?"

"Mum's making us help in the garden." Fred said.

"We're getting rid of some nasty gnomes." George added, making his way to the stairs.

"Hey, where ya goin'?" Fred said, raising up his arms.

"I told you I had to go meet Annabeth, she finally agreed to see me." George said, continuing up the stairs.

"No! C'mon mate! Don't leave me now!" Frdd begged.

"I've gotta see Annabeth!" George's voice came from the top of the stairs.

Fred huffed, but his frown quickly disappeared when he set his eyes on Lorette and smirked.

"Oh no, no, no!" Lorette said, noticing Fred's stare. "No! Don't even think about it!"

But he didn't care and started stalking towards her, reaching out for her.

"No! Stay away from me!" she laughed. She had been doing a lot of that around him recently, laughing, smiling.

"Come here!" Fred said, grabbing her waist and trying to throw her over his shoulder, again. "Come help me!"

"No! No! Put me down you sodding bloke!" she protested. "You have to stop doing this!"

The others in the room stared at them, smiling to themselves.

"Aw!" Sofia said, patting Fred's back. "What a cute couple!"

"Leave us alone Sofia!" Lorette scolded.

"Just stating the bloody facts," Sofia shrugged. "You two would make an awfully cute couple."

"Shut up, will you?" Lorette snapped, still hanging over Fred's shoulder.

"She's not wrong you y'know." Lucia said in a sing-song voice, flipping through the magazine.

"What're we talking about?" Charlie asked, walking into the sitting area.

"Why is Lory hanging over Fred's shoulder again?" Bill asked, behind Charlie.

"We're talking about how perfect Lory and Fred would be together." Ginny informed.

"Ginerva here is correct." Charlie said matter of factly. "Lorette and Frederick would indeed make a fine pair."

Fred sighed and set Lorette back on her feet next to him.

"When will you guys start respecting the fact that Lory and I are just friends?" he groaned.

"When you stop dry-humping each other." Lorenzo said casually.

"We do not dry-hump each other!" Lorette protested.

"Sure and I'm not a redhead." Charlie said. "Just go snog each other already!"

"Why would we snog each other?" Fred asked.

"Kiss her to prove you're just friends and that there is nothing there." Lucas challenged.

"Is that what will get you all to stop riding on our backs about dating?" Lorette asked the group.

They all shrugged and nodded giving a few yeahs.

"Fine." Lorette huffed.

She cupped Fred's jaw and pulled him down so she could reach his lips and pressed her lips against his. There were instant sparks and Lorette thought she felt herself shutter when Fred's came to her hips and pulled her up a bit. It might've been the best kiss she'd ever had. He was soft and sweet and gentle, but rough and aggressive at the same time. It was a long and deep kiss, she was pretty sure there was some tongue action too.

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