32. Arrival

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Obviously Lorette's siblings were having the same thought process as her because they were all staring and snickering at her. Thank Godric didn't know anything about Theo, so he couldn't make any snarky comments and jokes.

Fred caught up with her after dinner and asked "Are you alright? You seemed a bit- uh- ticked off at dinner."

"Oh- uh- yeah. Yeah, I'm just fine." Lorette lied.

"You sure?" he asked again.

"I'm positive." she offered a weary smile.

He gave an unconvinced nod and walked away.

Lorette hadn't written to Theo at all since they left France and she hadn't planned on having to see him again- ever again. But here she is, stressing out because her summer love- who she didn't really love- was coming to her school for the whole year.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: it has been a few weeks since Dumbledore announced the Triwizard tournament. The timeline is around mid to late September.

Lorette was sitting in the common room with Lucia, reading one of her veela study books.

When Lorette was six, she fell off her broom and scraped her knee. It wasn't bleeding too bad, but it stung and she cried until Lorette watched Molly heal her cuts and bruises. That's what sparked her interest in healing magic. But ever since she'd met Rhea and started her heritage studies, Lorette began to change her mind. She wanted to be like Rhea, someone who helps young veelas and half veelas navigate their way around the world- around society. Now, the sixteen year old faced a rather terrible conflict; did she want to study healing magic or study veelas?

Her choice wouldn't have been rushed if it weren't for the fact that Lorette was starting her sixth year. At this point in her academic career, Lorette must decide what she wishes for her future career to be- or at least those are the fancy words Amira used when giving Lorette her life lecture. In simpler terms, Lorette had to decide what she wants to do when she grows up. She needed to choose her classes, ones that would "advance"- in mother's words- her knowledge in what she wants to do in life.

So Lorette had little time to choose her courses, healing magic or veelas?

Healing magic or veelas? Healing magic or veelas? Healing magic or veelas?

Hm. Decisions, decisions.


Before she knew it, it was October twenty-ninth and the guests- more importantly, Theo- would be arriving tomorrow night. Lorette couldn't be less enthusiastic. Lorenzo was over the moon to see his new best friend, Cosette and Sofia was excited to see Valentina. Ron was going crazy because Viktor Krum was coming from Durmstrang. Fred was extremely excited for the tournament, even though he couldn't participate...well, no one can really stop Fred, not even Dumbledore.

"You look gloomy." Annabeth said, taking a seat next to Lorette in the library.

"Thanks." Lorette grumbled.

"Hello ladies." Fred shouted, walking into the library.

"What the hell are you doing here? The library isn't your sort of place." Lorette asked.

"Thought I'd find you here, but I see it's not the time to bother you." Fred replied.

"Shut up." she said, holding back the smile tugging at her lips.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Fred asked.

"I'm not too stoked about tomorrow." Lorette huffed. "Seeing my cousins again and everything."

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