11. Questions

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The following afternoon, Lorette spent trying to find what to wear, yet again.

"Oh god! This or this?" Lorette asked Annabeth as she walked into the dorm.

"Woah! Dejavú!" Annabeth joked. "Oh god! The party! Its tonight!" Annabeth's laugh quickly stopped and she rushed into the closet.

"So how'd it go with George?" Lorette asked, squeezing past Annabeth in the small closet.

"Eh good and bad." Annabeth said, grabbing two dresses off the rack looking at them.

"How do you mean?" Lorette asked, looking at a small plaid skirt she had found in one of the drawers.

"Well we snogged which is pretty nice, but we didn't talk. And I wanted to talk." Annabeth said, taking two pairs of shoes and comparing them with the dress she had chosen.

"About?" Lorette asked, trying to decide which earrings she should wear.

"About us. Where this is going? If we're more than just snogging mates, y'know?" Annabeth said.

"Oh...you like George." Lorette said.

"Yes I like George. I wanna be more than snogging mates, I want a relationship." Annabeth huffed out. "What about you and Fred?"

"What about me and Fred? We had a regular study date it wasn't special." Lorette lied, it was totally special and she had a wonderful time. "But Oliver did see us together, I think he seemed a bit jealous."

"Oo protective boyfriend?" Annabeth teased.

"He's not my boyfriend." Lorette said in a bothered tone.

"He will be soon..." Annabeth had been reading Oliver's mind during lunch and heard that he wanted to ask Lorette to be his girlfriend. He was going to ask her yesterday but Lorette couldn't go, so he would ask her today. But Annabeth didn't want to ruin the surprise so she didn't say anything.

"I hope so." Lorette said, slightly grinning.

The girls finished getting dressed and put on their shoes. Lorette had finally decided to wear mom jeans with a white cropped tank top and a plaid shirt over it. Annabeth wore skinny jeans with a red knot cropped sweater and a white turtleneck underneath. They decided to dress casual instead of dressing up because this wasn't a big party.

"Lory, Annabeth!" George greeted them at the door.

"Hey Georgie!" Lorette said, going to hug her best friend.

"Where's Oli-" Lorette began but was interrupted when George pointed to the couch.

Lorette nodded and walked towards him. "Hey stranger"

"Oh hey Lory." Oliver seemed upset and distracted.

He's jealous that Fred got to study with you last night. I just read his mind. Annabeth's voice appeared among Lorette's thoughts. Bethy stay- actually, thank you. Lorette looked at Annabeth who gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry about last night. I really did want to go out with you, but Fred had asked me first. I had to help a friend out." Lorette said.

Oliver looked up at her, "It's okay Lory. I know how you love to help people, I don't mind." He smiled at her.

"Are you sure? You seemed a bit mad yesterday." Lorette asked as she sat down.

"Well, I was jealous. I like you, Lory, a lot. And seeing that you were dodging me for Weasley, well it kind of sucked. But I get now that you two are just friends and that you were just helping him out." Oliver said, his smile seemed a little fake.

"Are you sure?" Lorette asked again.

Oliver put his hand on her thigh and reassured her "I'm sure."

At that moment, Fred walked out and saw Lorette and Oliver sitting together. Lorette prepared herself for a nasty remark, or eye roll, or scoff from him, but he just smiled at her. Lorette smiled back, confused.

Annabeth had been reading Fred's mind and she immediately knew Fred had feelings for Lorette too. She wanted to tell Lorette so they could finally be together. But the truth was, Annabeth didn't think Fred and Lorette would last and that it would only end in pain and violence. Besides, Oliver was finally going to ask Lorette to be his girlfriend, she didn't want to ruin things. Annabeth decided to leave it be, if they were meant for each other, the universe would bring them together without her help.

"Lory, I have a question." Oliver said.

"Hm?" Lorette hummed in response.

"I've been meaning to ask you and I wanted to ask you properly not here on the couch. I was gonna ask you yesterday on our date, but then you couldn't go so I was gonna wait, but I don't really want to wait anymore so, here it goes," Oliver said, breathing in and out.

Lorette tilted her head "yes?"

"Lory, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He said, his cheeks rosy.

Lorette was shocked at the question, was this what Annabeth meant by what she said earlier? Truthfully, she wanted to say no because she was afraid she didn't like Oliver enough, she might like Fred more than Oliver and she didn't want to break his heart. But she's supposed to be ignoring those feelings.

Annabeth heard Lorette's thoughts and she wanted to tell her about Fred, but before she could, Lorette blurted out, "Yes! Yes, Oliver I'd love to be your girlfriend!"

Fred must've overheard Lorette's and Oliver's conversation because he quickly grabbed Angelina's arm and ran off to his dorm. They both came back out a few minutes later, looking a mess and out of breath. It didn't take long for Lorette to realize what they had done and she felt a pit form in her stomach. There was nothing between them. No feelings, not romantically at least. Lorette had a boyfriend now, it didn't matter anymore.

Annabeth watched Fred and Lorette stare at each other from across the room. She so badly wanted to tell them that they both liked each other, that they belonged together, but she couldn't interfere, not yet.

"Oi, looks like Weasley got some." Oliver yelled, as if to congratulate Fred for having sex.

Fred smiled awkwardly and Angelina grinned proudly. Fred's eyes were still fixated on Lorette, and she took advantage of that. Lorette leaned into Oliver and kissed him. Oliver was shocked at first, but quickly gave in and kissed back. Fred watched them with anger and jealousy.

Soon after, Oliver went off to bed, because he had quidditch the next day. Little by little, the Gryffindors surrendered to their dorms, leaving George, Fred, Annabeth, and Lorette.

"We should be going, Bethy?" Lorette said after finishing picking up all the cups.

"Thanks for staying behind and helping guys, we really appreciate it." George turned to Fred, waiting for him to say anything, but Fred hades spoken a word the entire night, not even to George.

Lorette and Annabeth left to their dorm, Annabeth stayed quiet, not wanting to make things worse. But Annabeth felt bad for her friend, both of them. They didn't just fancy each other, they were in love.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: this chapter is not one of my best works, but Lorette and Oliver are finally dating! The next chapter is by far my FAVORITE chapter I love it so much ah!!
- belle

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