38. Unexpected

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Be warned, this chapter is EXTREMELYYYY LONG!!!! I wanted to make up for the short chapters I've been writing recently, so ENJOYYYYY!!!!

He woke up with his arms around something- someone- Lorette.

In that moment, it was the most wonderful feeling he'd ever felt. He'd had sex before- lots of it. But nothing- nothing could ever bring him the pleasure that he felt waking up next to her. It was a feeling he never knew he craved until now and now there was no getting rid of it. He'd crave it forever until he'd have her by his side again. She looked so stunning. So lost in her dreams. Her hair fell perfectly across her tan shoulders and her lips were slightly parted. Her eyes were gently closed and her arms were entangled with her hair. And he never wanted to get up. He never wanted to leave her side. There were dried tears on her cheeks from the night before when she'd cried so much for that disgusting bastard. Watching her sleep was the most peaceful thing he'd ever seen and it was the only therapy he'd ever need. She was so peaceful. So beautiful. So fucking beautiful. So perfect. And Theo didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve her perfection. Not even Fred deserved her perfection. No one deserved the perfection that was Lorette De Rossi.

Her face was slightly pressed against his chest as if for comfort and protection and her thigh slung over his. And he realized he wanted to protect her. Protect her from everything. From the monster that was Theo and the things he'd want to do to her. Protect her from the judgement of society and the dangers of her beauty. From every disgusting man who'd try to claim her. He wanted her. In every way possible. She was perfect. She was everything.

And he realized what he was feeling- it was- he was in love with her. With her being. With her spirit. With her kindness. With her smile. With her eyes. With her voice. With her laugh. He was in love with every part of her. Good and bad. And he had been this whole time.

Lorett began to stir in her sleep and she let out a small groan.

"Fred?" she asked sleepily. "Why are you in my bed?"

He chuckled. "I'm not in your bed," his voice was hoarse and deep and raspy. And Lorette thought she'd orgasm right then and there. "You're in my bed."

"Why am I in your bed?" she asked, her eyes still closed.

"I don't know, Lor," he sighed. "Why are you in my bed?"

The memories came flooding back all too quickly.

She sighed and decided to avoid the question. "Five more minutes?"

"Lory, no, come on, we've gotta get up," he attempted to lift the covers from himself but Lorette decided the only way to stop him was to lay on top of him. And that's exactly what she did. She threw herself on top of him and laid there, nuzzling her head into the nook of his neck. He could feel her breath on his skin and it felt so good. He wrapped his arms around her. Lorette was fairly tall for a girl, but compared to him, she was miniature. He placed one hand on her back and another stroking her hair. She was so close to him. So fucking close.

The five minutes passed by quicker than he'd liked and he wanted to just say fuck it and stay in bed with her on top of him forever, but he couldn't. He knew he couldn't.

"Lory?" Fred spoke into her hair.

"Hm?" she hummed into his neck. Sending vibrations through his body.

"As much as I love having you on top of me," he said. "Why are you in my bed?"

Lorette sighed and he felt her breath more strongly against his skin. "Theo."

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