33. Reunited

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"Hi," She turned around reluctantly. "How've you been?"

"Fine. You?" Theo smirked.

"Brilliant." Lorette shrugged. "Just brilliant."

"Where have you been, biche?" Theo asked, moving closer.

"Here, at Hogwarts." Lorette said, rocking back and forth on her feet.

"Mm," Theo hummed. "Don't lie to me, biche." he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: "biche" means doe in french (doe like dear)

She felt like she should move away, but Lorette didn't really want to.

"I'm not lying," Lorette, trying to hide the smile on her face.

"I hate to admit it, but I was upset that you didn't write to me," he said.

His face was so close. So, so close.

"I've been busy." Lorette said, placing her hands on his chest to try and make space between them.

"That's a pathetic excuse." said Theo, teasing Lorette by inching closer.

"It's not an excuse,"

"Mm, I think you are." Theo began places kisses on her jawline, Lorette couldn't help but bite her lip. "I like when you bite your lip."

"We can't do this T," Lorette said, but she didn't really mean it.

"We can definitely do it." Theo joked.

"No, we're in the middle of a hallway-"

"-it wouldn't be the first time in the middle of a hallway-"

"-and it's past curfew-" she said between kisses.

"-that never stopped us-"

"-Goodnight, Theo," Lorette said, pulling away reluctantly.

Theo sighed and let go of her. "Sleep well."

Oh god, oh god, oh god...she didn't want to leave.

Lorette walked back to the common room with a smile all over her face. Thinking about what had just happened and how she had planned to not have feelings for Theo...but she couldn't help it.

Yeah, she was going to the Astronomy Tower.

"Hey," Fred greeted at the top of the tower.

"Fred? What are you doing up here?" Lorette said, a bit startled.

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied quickly.

"I saw Theo." Lorette got straight to the point. "I kissed Theo."

"I thought you didn't like-"

"I know, I thought so too, but I just- I dunno! He was there and his lips were there and I just- I just-"

"You kissed him." Fred said disappointedly.

"I kissed him." Lorette repeated defeatedly. "It's a beautiful night." she sighed, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah," Fred said. "Yeah, really beautiful." But he wasn't looking at the stars, he was looking at her. Because she was beautiful. She was so beautiful.

"You're doing it again," Lorette smiled.


"You're staring at me like- like that." she joked.

"I am not!" Fred laughed.

"So...why are you here?" Lorette asked again.

"Um- just wanted to see the stars." Fred lied, but his eyes were still focused on Lorette.

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