37. Wrinkled Ball Gowns

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Of course, with the Yule Ball, most of the students needed to learn how to waltz. Most of them.

Lorette and her siblings had been taught at a very young age how to waltz, when Amira would throw great balls and gatherings. And so they happily watched every other Ravenclaw fumble with their feet and trip over Flitwick, who was struggling to gain focus from his students. It was an amusing sight, Lisa Turpin crouching over to match Flitwick's height and Flitwick yelling at Roger Davies and Cho who were only laughing and not actually dancing properly. And Luna Lovegood doing...her own thing. Lorette laughed along with Lucia and Sofia while Marcus tried to show Luna, who did not care what Marcus was trying to show her, how to waltz properly.

The moment made her miss Lucas for the first time.

Just then, Theo came strutting in, smirking sneakily towards Lorette.

"Biche," he said, pecking her cheek. "Mat we speak somewhere more- uh- private?"

Lorette raised her eyebrow with suspicion and looked over at Annabeth, who was dancing with Mandy Brocklehurst, and nodded. "Fine."

He took her out to the empty staircase outside of Flitwick's classroom. "Biche, I've been thinking a lot recently about what you asked of me-"

"I didn't ask for much, Theo, just some loyalty, if you can't give me that, it's fine-" Lorette rambled.

"I want to be your boyfriend," Theo interrupted with a cheeky smile. He seemed almost proud of having come to that conclusion.

"You what?"

"I want to be your boyfriend. I know I said I don't want to be in a relationship, but I mean, if I'm going to be in one, I want to be in it with you," he said sweetly. Too sweet.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he added quickly, grabbing Lorette's hands.

"Yes, yes I'd love to be your girlfriend!" she exclaimed, kissing him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"That being said, will you be my date to the ball?" he asked.

"Yes, of course." Lorette smiled.

Seems so perfect, doesn't it?
"And I've caught him dancing all around the dormitory!" Harry chuckled.

Oh I think it's sweet that he's learning to dance for Ginny," Lorette pouted her lips sarcastically.

"It's bloody disgusting, thats what it is," Ron grumbled.

"Give it up, Ron," Sofia nudged his arm. "You're just jealous because Hermione wouldn't go with you!"

"I am not jealous!" Ron protested. "It's just nasty that Neville's going for my sister, that's all!"

"She's growing up, ickle Ronniekins," Lorette teased. "Just like you."

"I've actually done a bit of dancing myself," Fred said proudly.

"Have you, now?" Lorette questioned unconvincingly.

"Oh you'd be surprised, Lory, I am quite the dancer," he boasted.

"Oh I bet." she smiled.

"I am, really," he continued.

"Are you?" she asked jokingly. "Prove it."

"Alright, fine, if that's what it takes," Fred stood up from the floor and offered his hand to her. "Dance with me?"

Immediately those words threw Lorette back into last year when Oliver had asked her to dance at the beginning of the year party. Fred asked her not too soon after. She remembers how much better it sounded coming out of his mouth than Oliver's.

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