27. Summer Flings

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"So," Margot said at breakfast the next morning. "I noticed you and Theo Shafiq were getting along quite well."

"Well your lips were at least." Christophe added absently.

Lorette nearly choked on her grapefruit and looked up awkwardly to meet all the pair of eyes staring at her.

"It was just a simple kiss." she managed to mutter out. "Celestine dared us."

"Seemed like more than simple to me." Margot said, still looking at her copy of the Daily Prophet.

"It wasn't." Lorette reassured her family, but she was really trying to reassure herself.

"I noticed you and Celestine were awfully close as well." Margot said, turning her attention to Lucas.

"Oh- yeah- she's- she's great." Lucas stumbled over his words as his cheeks grew red.

"She is a wonderful girl, I'm sure your parents would like her." Christophe commented.

"Lucky for all of you, the Shafiqs will be returning tomorrow night for dinner." Margot said, setting down her paper.

Suddenly, Lorette felt very stressed and insecure. What was she to wear? What would she say? Her and Theo hadn't said much after their kiss. Oh merlin! What would Oliver say?

After breakfast, Lorette was in her room when a loud bang was heard at her window. Of course, it was the bloody Weasley bird, Errol holding a letter from Fred.

Lorette felt a smile tugging at her lips and she was almost sure she felt a quiet flutter in her stomach as she opened the letter.

Dear Lor,

How has your summer been so far? It's been odd not having you around. We all miss you here.

I decided since I was such a prick last summer and didn't write to you, I should definitely write to you this summer.

How are you and Oliver? Good, I hope. You two make such a nice couple.


Did Fred just compliment her and Oliver? Talk about character development.

Almost immediately, she reached for a pen and paper and began writing:


I'm so glad to hear from you! I've missed your awkward letters!

So far, my summer has been...interesting. I've met this boy, Theo and he's very funny. (Not funnier than you of course)

I would definitely rather be at the Burrow with you-

No, no erase that last part.

I would definitely rather be at the Burrow with all of you. We all miss you guys too.

As for Oliver and I, we're doing well, but the long distance is getting a bit hard.


She gave the letter to the disoriented bird and it flew into the wrong direction. She laughed at Errol and closed her window, making sure none of her family had seen. The last thing Lorette needed was her family prying about her and Fred. Well, not there was a Fred and her.
The following night, Theo and his family arrived at her house around seven. Lorette was unexplainably excited to see him and Celestine was beaming when she saw Lucas.

During dinner, they had a very light conversation. Asking Lucas what he planned to do now that he had graduated and asking Lorette and Lucia what they planned to do after graduation.

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